Print ISSN - 2786-4537
Online ISSN - 2786-4545
"Herald of Economics" scientific journal is published quarterly in Ukrainian and/or English. Articles with scientific and practical value are accepted for publication. Submission deadlines: for the 1st issue—by December 25, for the 2nd issue—by March 25, for the 3rd issue—by May 25, and for the 4th issue—by September 25.
To participate in the compilation of the journal, the following must be submitted:
Articles are considered for review only upon submission of a complete set of accompanying documents.
Main requirements for preparing and formatting materials:
Abstracts should use significant words from the article. Logical progression between points is required. Text should be concise and clear, avoiding secondary information, redundant introductory words, and general formulations.
- Formulas: …, fig.: …, tabl.: …, bibl.: … (specify the number of formulas, figures, tables, and references).
- Introduction
- Literature review
- Purpose
- Results
- Conclusions and prospects for further research
- Volume: 8–18 A4 pages, 1.5 spacing, font Times New Roman, size 14; margins—20 mm on the left, top, and bottom; 10 mm on the right.
- Tables: Sequentially numbered (e.g., Table 1) with titles centered above them. Illustrations must also be numbered and titled (e.g., Fig. 2. Tax classification).
- Accuracy: Authors are responsible for the accuracy of terms, names, data, quotes, and statistics. Uncommon abbreviations are not allowed.
- Ukrainian list under the heading “Література” formatted according to the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 (with amendments).
- English list as “References,” following the international APA standard, transliterated per CMU 2010. Include DOI codes if available. Example:
- Ivaniv, S.M., Petriv, Yu.S. (2017). Oblikova polityka v Ukraini [Accounting policy in Ukraine]. Ternopil: VPC “Ekonomichna dumka” [in Ukrainian]. DOI: 10.25164/2219-2568-2017-5(76)-3-12.
- At least 12 references in the order they appear in the text.
- Citations in the text should be in square brackets, e.g., [5, p. 120; 7, pp. 94–95].
- Abstract:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Key Words
- Formulas: …, fig.: …, tabl.: …, bibl.: …
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.