Current status of agricultural enterprise financial security


  • Marina Pataridze-Vyshynska Institute of Agrarian Economics



financial security threats, development of agricultural enterprises, performance indicators of agricultural enterprises, financial security assessment, financial condition of agricultural enterprises.


Introduction. The agrarian sector is an important strategic branch of the national economy that ensures food security and food independence of our country. The presence of risks and threats pose a risk to the entity. In this context, the relative importance of security should be emphasized, since the possibility of threats and their suddenness can hardly be ruled out if the subject seeks dynamic development, but can minimize their impact by planning and developing a security strategy. The study is aimed at assessing the financial security of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises, outlining threats at the macro and micro levels of the economy in order to formulate measures to minimize such threats.
Methods. Such general philosophical and special methods as analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, historical, grouping, tabular, and arithmetic were used in the study.
Results. The agricultural industry has a number of factors that have a positive impact on its financial security, but most of them affect the financial security of both macro and micro-level economies. For example, in 2019, agricultural exports, agricultural expenditures and support lines increased positively. However, environmental issues remain unresolved and exacerbate their situation. The need to review the state’s support for farmers was identified. Most agricultural enterprises do not have sufficient own resources and credit for innovative development.
Conclusions. Ensuring of the economic security of agricultural enterprises requires effective management of available resources, which are capable to ensure the process of extended reproduction. Moreover, it is vital to ensure financial sustainability while preserving the environment, update the composition of fixed production facilities, attract and train qualified personnel, improve the competitiveness of agricultural products, and expand distribution channels.
Prospects. Further research is needed by the measures of minimization of the educed threats to financial safety of agricultural enterprises.


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How to Cite

Pataridze-Vyshynska, Marina. “Current Status of Agricultural Enterprise Financial Security”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(94), Dec. 2019, pp. 29-41,

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