Digital standard: new opportunities for transformation of business processes in conditions of digitalization


  • Oleksandr Brechko West Ukrainian National University



digital economy, digital standard, business process, digital transformations


Іntroduction. The article substantiates the advantages of developing and implementing digital standards that can improve the quality of products and services, establish effective processes of interaction between business partners, and ensure the competitiveness of business entities on the international market.

Goal. Justification of institutional and organizational-methodical approaches to the implementation of digital standards in business management, taking into account the best global and European practices.

Methods. To achieve the goal, a comparative analysis of literary sources and current practice of digitalization of business processes and its institutional support was conducted. With the help of system and structural analysis, the main characteristics were determined and the classification of types of digital standards was carried out. With the use of economic-mathematical and statistical methods, indicators are proposed for measuring the effectiveness of business use of digital technologies.

The results. The article explored the advantages of using digital standards in the organization of business processes taking into account world experience and EU countries, establishing communications between business partners, improving the quality of products and services, ensuring competitiveness on the international market of goods and services. In order to improve the information and analytical support for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in the organization of business processes, indicators for the evaluation of digitalization processes were proposed. Approaches to building an algorithm for the design, development and implementation of digital solutions are proposed, which will contribute to increasing the efficiency of their implementation and reducing the costs of economic entities.

Prospects for further research. The main provisions of the article can be used by domestic business entities to introduce digital standards into business processes. Further research can be aimed at improving management approaches in the field of using digital technologies at the micro level in various sectors of the economy.

Author Biography

  • Oleksandr Brechko, West Ukrainian National University
    PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, doctoral student


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How to Cite

Brechko, Oleksandr. “Digital Standard: New Opportunities for Transformation of Business Processes in Conditions of Digitalization”. Herald of Economics, no. 2, July 2023, pp. 58-73,

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