Implementation of COSO-ERM internal control integrated concept in Ukraine


  • Yevheniia Kaliuha National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Hanna Hryshchuk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Kalyuga State Audit Service of Ukraine



internal control, integrated COSO-ERM concept, crop production, agricultural production, cost price


Introduction. At the current stage of development, the internal control system plays an important role in ensuring the effective functioning and implementation of users’ needs for information in order to make informed management decisions regarding the cost of crop production. In recent years, many scientific works have been devoted to the development of internal control at agricultural enterprises, including taking into account the adaptation of foreign experience of countries such as the USA, Japan, Germany, Poland, and Canada into domestic practice. In turn, this determines the relevance of the study of the integrated COSO-ERM model with the aim of its implementation at agricultural enterprises of Ukraine.

The purpose – characterize and adapt the integrated concept of COSO-ERM internal control to the domestic practice of enterprises.

Methods (methodology). The theoretical and methodological basis of scientific research is analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, abstraction, concretization, comparison, monographic, systematic and logical methods.

The results. Approaches to the organization of the system of internal control of the cost of production of crop production were studied, taking into account the principles of building its structure according to the integrated COSO-ERM model of internal control. The foreign experience of conducting internal control of the cost of crop production was adapted to the domestic practice of enterprises. Control measures have been developed to prevent or reduce agricultural production risks affecting production costs.

Prospects. In the future, it is advisable to more thoroughly cover the methodology and organization of internal control of production activities of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine and in foreign countries that have positive experience.

Author Biographies

  • Yevheniia Kaliuha, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

    D. Sc. (Economics), Professor,

    Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation
  • Hanna Hryshchuk, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
    postgraduate student of the Department of Accounting and Taxation
  • Oleksandr Kalyuga, State Audit Service of Ukraine
    assistant auditor


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How to Cite

Kaliuha, Yevheniia, et al. “Implementation of COSO-ERM Internal Control Integrated Concept in Ukraine”. Herald of Economics, no. 2, July 2023, pp. 119-2,

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