Іntegrated reporting, its accounting and information support


  • Yaroslav Krupka West Ukrainian National University




capital, enterprise value, accounting, integrated reporting, non-financial information, users, investors


Introduction. In Ukraine and around the world, the practice of integrated reporting has become widespread. Such reporting, in addition to financial information, is intended to disclose non-financial information related to environmental, social, innovative, strategic, and other aspects of the activities of enterprises and corporations. In economic literature, there has been an ongoing debate for some time about the form and content of such reporting, the audience for which the information in integrated reporting should be directed, and which indicators should be disclosed in it.

The purpose is to investigate the queries of key users of financial and non-financial information, on which the focus should be directed for integrated reporting, and the incorporation of necessary data into the accounting system to generate indicators for such reporting.

Methods. To achieve the research goal, a systematic and innovative approach was employed to synthesize information, using methods of bibliographic, conceptual, and functional analysis.

Results. The structure and challenges of compiling integrated reporting are disclosed. The analysis examines the user base of such reporting and their informational needs. It is noted that the primary users targeted by integrated reporting are owners, current and potential investors. The new concept of this reporting should be aimed at creating enterprise value, particularly at the company level, to assess relationships with business partners and at the societal level overall.

The indicators of integrated reporting should be aligned with the enterprise’s accounting system. The main features of such integrated accounting are systematized, and characteristics are provided. It is determined that expanding information provision through integrated reporting, supplementing it with data regarding the formation of capital value for enterprises, will improve the investment attractiveness of economic entities and the investment climate in the country. This will enable attracting additional investments for entrepreneurship development from both domestic and external sources.

Prospects. Further scientific research in this direction is advisable to conduct with the aim of expanding the information scope of integrated reporting, introducing indicators of such reporting into the financial and managerial accounting system.

Author Biography

  • Yaroslav Krupka, West Ukrainian National University

    D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Professor at the Department of Accounting and Taxation


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How to Cite

Krupka, Yaroslav. “Іntegrated Reporting, Its Accounting and Information Support”. Herald of Economics, no. 4, Dec. 2023, pp. 67-81, https://doi.org/10.35774/visnyk2023.04.067.

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