Anomalies in the economic behavior of information users


  • Nazar Marchyshyn West Ukrainian National University



Anomalies, economic behavior, information users, information resources, risks, decision-making


Introduction. The modern economy is going through an era where information has become not only an important resource, but also a key factor in decision-making. The need to process large data sets and their growing number, access to a wide range of information resources and the speed of their distribution create not only new opportunities, but also bring challenges associated with anomalies in the economic behavior of information users. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that these anomalies affect the efficiency of financial markets, risks for business and investors, and also pose a threat to the stability of the economic environment as a whole. Uneven access to information (information asymmetry), distortions in the perception of data and emotional reactions can lead to unfounded decisions and undesirable consequences. Understanding the nature of these 

anomalies and developing strategies to manage them become critical tasks for economic science and practice. In this context, the study of anomalies in the economic behavior of users of accounting information becomes not only an academic challenge, but also a significant task for practical application aimed at improving the efficiency of management decision-making processes and accounting and information management methods.

The purpose of the research. Study, analysis and systematization of anomalies in the economic behavior of information users in order to determine their nature, factors of occurrence and consequences for the functioning of the economy, as well as the development of recommendations for management strategies of anomalous behavior of economic agents and the use of appropriate analysis tools to reduce its negative consequences.

Methods. To achieve the goal, general scientific methods of cognition were used, namely: dialectical method of cognition, monographic and logical analysis, empirical methods, methods of comparison, extrapolation and generalization.

The results. As a result of the research, a wide range of anomalies in the economic behavior of information users was identified and analyzed. Aspects identified include the variety of types of anomalies, the main factors that determine them, and their impact on financial markets and decision-making processes. The results of the analysis provide important information for the development of risk management strategies and the formulation of regulatory policies in an economic environment facing anomalous behavior of information users.

Prospects. Prospects for the study of anomalous economic behavior consist in the development and improvement of analytical methods in the economy to identify anomalies, improve management strategies, and improve the methods of creating information resources for business in the accounting system. This will allow more effective detection and control of anomalies, ensuring the stability and efficiency of economic systems in a dynamic world.


Author Biography

  • Nazar Marchyshyn, West Ukrainian National University

    PhD (Economics), Doctoral student of Department of Accounting and Taxation


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How to Cite

Marchyshyn, Nazar. “Anomalies in the Economic Behavior of Information Users”. Herald of Economics, no. 3, Nov. 2024, pp. 129-38,

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