Problematic aspects in accounting for financial performance in construction


  • Zenovii-Mykhailo Zadorozhnyi Ternopil National Economic University
  • Iryna Ometsinska Ternopil National Economic University



accounting, financial results, construction, revenues, costs, profit, operating activity, emergency.


Introduction. The modern development of the world globalization economy is accompanied by natural disasters, and instability of the political system and financial systems. In 2020, this development was significantly affected by the global pandemic COVID-19. These reasons significantly affected the financial results of enterprises. The effects of the economic crisis, especially the pandemic, have been felt by such a fund- building sector of the economy as construction. The development of this field provides additional jobs to companies in other industries. First of all, they include the building materials industry, furniture industry, chemical and machine-building industries. Many problematic issues have accumulated in accounting for the financial results of construction companies which require urgent solutions. They are related to the recognition of costs and revenues in accordance with the requirements of international and national accounting standards, the characteristics of their components, non-compliance with regulatory documents on pricing and accounting of enterprises in the industry, the definition of costs and revenues related to emergencies.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to improve the regulatory and legal support of accounting for financial results in construction in view of the changes that have occurred in the social and economic spheres of our state.

Methods. The methodological basis of the study was the use of a systematic approach in the process of disclosing problematic aspects of accounting for financial results.   The research methods of theoretical generalization, analysis, structural and functional approach were used to identify problem areas of accounting for financial results, while modeling, induction and deduction, and grouping helped to improve the accounting of costs and revenues from emergencies and clarification of sub-accounts and analytical accounts for accounting of financial results. Additionally, with abstract and logical, and comparison methods we substantiated the components of the contract price in construction and improved information support on the amount of net profit from each activity in management accounting. Finally, the results of the study are presented using tabular method. 

Results. The article analyzes the components of income of construction companies that affect the size of the financial result from the main activity. An improved structure   of the contract price for construction projects is proposed, which is consistent with the costs in accordance with the requirements of accounting standards. This characteristic of the current state of accounting for costs and revenues in case of emergency is provided as part of determining the financial results of these events. It is proposed to reflect them as part of other operating expenses and other operating income in the event of loss    on damage to current assets due to emergency. Where the construction company has suffered a loss of long-term assets as a result of such events, it is recommended that such losses be summarised in account 97 for “other expenses” and 74 for “other income”. It is also proposed to retrain 97 “other costs and investment activities” and 74 “other income- generating investment activities”, respectively. It is reasonable to change the names of sub-accounts to account 79 “financial results”. It is recommended to charge income tax on each type of activity in order to more accurately determine the net profit. The proposals of scientists to improve the accounting of retained earnings (uncovered losses) are analyzed. Suggestions are made to improve this area accounting for financial results.

Prospects for further research. Prospects for further research are the formation    of components of income and expenses from all activities of construction companies   as elements in the extraction of financial results. This is especially true of income and expenses of the main activities of the construction industry.


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How to Cite

Zadorozhnyi, Zenovii-Mykhailo, and Iryna Ometsinska. “Problematic Aspects in Accounting for Financial Performance in Construction”. Herald of Economics, no. 3(97), Dec. 2020, pp. 225-37,

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