Formation of an effective policy for the repayment of accounts receivable at the enterprise


  • Vasyl Zdrenyk West Ukrainian National University



trading company, receivables repayment policy, accounting policy, improvement, efficiency


Introduction. Trade enterprises in modern conditions have significantly increased the volume of their activities. However, the uncertainty of the external environment and the presence of a number of different problems in the economy as a whole create obstacles to the timely fulfillment of obligations. This necessitates the formation of an effective policy for the repayment of accounts receivable at the enterprise.

Objective. The objective of the article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations  and develop practical recommendations for the formation of an effective policy for the repayment of receivables at trade enterprises.

Methods. To establish the stages of the formation of the policy of repayment of receivables and its constituent elements, analytical empiricism was used with an orientation to the existing initial conditions and foreign experience. The study used the method of assessment and generalization to develop and substantiate proposals aimed at solving the problem of recognizing receivables as uncollectible, as well as to substantiate the approach to the classification of reserves and the calculation of reserves for doubtful debts.

Results. A conceptual approach to the formation of an effective policy for the repayment of accounts receivable from trade enterprises has been formed. The study substantiates that the effective development of a trading enterprise is possible due to the combination of such important components of its activities as a good information base of management and an effective policy for repayment of receivables. The result of the study is also the substantiation of the stages of formation of the policy of repayment of receivables, the development of proposals for its assessment and the formation of reserves for doubtful debts.

Discussion. A promising area of further research is the development of methods       of analysis of receivables by actual indicators, the study of opportunities to improve communication and the formation of information support for trade and technological processes based on the use of modern information systems.

Author Biography

  • Vasyl Zdrenyk, West Ukrainian National University

    PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of Management, Public Administration and Personnel department


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How to Cite

Zdrenyk, Vasyl. “Formation of an Effective Policy for the Repayment of Accounts Receivable at the Enterprise”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(98), Feb. 2021, pp. 127-3,

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