Ways to improve the innovation performance of enterprises


  • Iryna Trush West Ukrainian National University




innovation activity, investment activity, innovation project, evaluation of efficiency, risk assessment, innovation project expertise, innovation activity efficiency, cognitive modelling


Introduction. It is proved that the role of innovation efficiency is significant for high- tech enterprises and is growing for the economy as a whole. However, evaluation of the efficiency of investment in innovation, which is used in practice, does not take into account sufficiently the features of the innovation process, which leads to a high proportion of false decisions and lack of the commercial outcome of innovations. To increase the efficiency of innovative activities of enterprises, new requirements are put forward to improve the mechanism of selection of innovative projects during their internal examination.

The purpose of the study is to deepen the methodological approaches to assess   the effectiveness of innovation performance of enterprises and improve the mechanism of examination of innovative projects.

Research methods. The article used general scientific and specific research methods, in particular: analysis and synthesis - to improve the interpretation of the concept of “innovative activity of the enterprise”; system approach - to clarify the economic meaning of the concepts of “management of innovative activities of the enterprise”, “efficiency of innovative activities of the enterprise”; graphic - for visual representation of statistical material and illustration of theoretical and practical provisions; expert assessment - to determine the effectiveness of innovative activities of the enterprise.

Results of the research. In the course the evaluation of the efficiency of investments in the innovation project predetermines processing of expert assessments applying special tools, which involves checking the conditions of consistency and consensus of experts’ ideas. The final stage of the expertise involves making a decision on selection of one or several innovation projects for implementation in the conditions of the enterprise under consideration. It is established that the basis of selection should be the rating of  the innovation project, the cost of its implementation and the budget of the enterprise’s innovation development. The final decision on the appropriateness of introduction of     the innovation project does not require rigid formalization, but should be taken by senior management board of the enterprise as a result of qualitative assessment of the efficiency of investment in innovation projects.

Perspectives. In future research, we plan to develop an algorithm for evaluating and selecting innovative projects during its examination at the enterprise level; to investigate the methodological tools for evaluating the effectiveness of innovative activities of enterprises.

Author Biography

  • Iryna Trush, West Ukrainian National University
    Teacher of the Management, Public Administration and Personnel


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How to Cite

Trush, Iryna. “Ways to Improve the Innovation Performance of Enterprises”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(98), Feb. 2021, pp. 138-49, https://doi.org/10.35774/visnyk2020.04.138.

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