Increasing the financial stability of enterprises with the help of financial analysis tools


  • Andriy Lyubenko Banking University
  • Ruslana Shurpenkova Banking University
  • Oksana Sarahman Banking University



sustainability, enterprise, financial stability, crisis situations, evaluation, indicators


Introduction. In market conditions, the successful operation of the enterprise largely depends on the level of stability of its financial condition. If the company is financially stable, it has a number of advantages over other companies of the same profile to obtain loans, attract investment, in the selection of contractors and in the selection of qualified personnel. The higher the financial stability of the company, the greater it is regardless   of changes in market conditions and, consequently, the lower the risk of bankruptcy. Therefore, the strategic goal of any business is to ensure financial stability.

If the company is financially stable, solvent, it has a number of advantages over other companies of the same profile in obtaining loans, attracting investment, in choosing suppliers and in the selection of qualified personnel. The higher the resilience of the company, the more it is independent of unexpected changes in market conditions and, consequently, the lower the risk of bankruptcy.

Purpose. To develop theoretical and methodological approaches to ensure the financial stability of enterprises based on the use of financial analysis tools.

Methods. The study was conducted using general and special methods of cognition: observation, statistical, logical and comparative analysis, grouping, generalization and classification, systemic and structural approaches. The total analytical potential of the tools used ensured the reliability of the conclusions and recommendations obtained in the study.

Results. The essence and significance of the financial stability of the enterprise are revealed, the directions of strengthening the financial stability of the enterprise by effective use of the tools of financial analysis are outlined. The main functional components that determine the economic stability of the enterprise and a system of measures that provides a timely response to deviations from the planned values of economic stability of the enterprise are identified.

Prospects for further research. Prospects for further research are to deepen the methodological foundations of ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise through the tools of financial analysis and the formation of strategies and tactics to ensure the financial stability of enterprises.

Author Biographies

  • Andriy Lyubenko, Banking University
    Ds (Economics), Professor, Department of Accounting Technologies and Taxation


  • Ruslana Shurpenkova, Banking University
    PhD (Economic), Associate Professor, Department of Accounting Technologies and Taxation
  • Oksana Sarahman, Banking University
    PhD (Economic), Associate Professor, Department of Accounting Technologies and Taxation


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How to Cite

Lyubenko, Andriy, et al. “Increasing the Financial Stability of Enterprises With the Help of Financial Analysis Tools”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(98), Feb. 2021, pp. 185-96,

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