Philosophical approaches to understanding accounting information in a post-industrial society


  • Viktoriya Rozhelyuk West Ukrainian National University
  • Vita Semaniuk West Ukrainian National University



information, information society, accounting information, knowledge, accounting theory


Introduction. Post-industrial society is characterized by new requirements for economic information provided by the accounting system. The transformation of the understanding of the essence of economic information in modern conditions is associated with a number of important factors. Therefore, the study of these factors, as well as the corresponding changes in the characteristics and perception of economic information is an important area of research.

Objective. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the approaches to the interpretation of information as a process of programmatic generation of reality in terms of information modelling of economic and social phenomena.

Methods. The following approaches are used for this purpose: entropic, algorithmic, combinatorial, which provide quantitative determination of the complexity of the displayed object, process or phenomenon; syntactic, which indicates the internal features of the processes that are displayed, their structure, organization, complexity, etc; semantic, which allows us to describe the content and novelty of information for the user; pragmatic, which allows us to assess the usefulness of the received message.


Results. The concept of “information” has been researched as a basic element of accounting science in post-industrial society, which involves understanding the role of thought processes in cognition of economic reality and the creation of information matrices to form models of behaviour of objects / subjects of economic activity. It was determined that information is interconnected with human, consciousness, thinking and perception of reality through the prism of economics, and economic interpretation of information involves understanding the categories of value of information, such as resources, goods, objects of labour and more. Accounting information is considered as a reflection of the content   of relations that arise in the process of economic agent and its adaptation to the external environment, regardless of the form of presentation of this information. Emphasis is placed on the philosophical interpretation of information as a process of programmatic generation of reality in terms of information modelling of economic and social phenomena. We have proved that the main value of accounting information is its usefulness for a particular management decision, and the use of accounting information, taking into account its value for management is limited by up perception and reflection of users of this information.


Discussion. A promising area of further research is the identification of opportunities for the formation of different types of information for interested users and the development of appropriate methods for processing credentials to implement in practice the task of maximizing the satisfaction of their information requests.


Author Biographies

  • Viktoriya Rozhelyuk, West Ukrainian National University
    Ds (Economics), Professor of Accounting and Taxation Department
  • Vita Semaniuk, West Ukrainian National University
    Ds (Economics), Associate Professor of Financial Control and Audit Department


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How to Cite

Rozhelyuk, Viktoriya, and Vita Semaniuk. “Philosophical Approaches to Understanding Accounting Information in a Post-Industrial Society”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(98), Feb. 2021, pp. 197-09,

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