Private pension funds: pragmatics and problems of activity in Ukraine


  • Zoriana Matsuk Ivano-Fankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



share, contributions, yield, savings, bond, pension fund, structure


Introduction. Nowadays, the pension system in Ukraine is being transformed, which necessitates analytical research on the activities of private pension funds, namely, open-ended, identifying problems of their activities and finding ways for further effective development.

Methods. In the article author uses methods of analysis and synthesis, graphic research methods, economic and statistical methods for information collection and processing, in particular, sample surveys, groupings, statistical comparisons, trend analysis - in the process of evaluating the activities of private pension funds in Ukraine, and the method of logical generalization in formulating conclusions.

Results. Author did an analytical assessment of indicators that characterize both the quantitative side of the activities of private pension funds in Ukraine and the qualitative side of their effectiveness in the domestic financial market. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of the structure of the portfolio of open non-state pension funds and it is concluded that the biggest quote (about 95%) in it belongs to cash on bank deposits and government securities. Author analyzed the indicators of profitability of the five most profitable open pension funds of Ukraine (according to the results of 2020) and their comparative characteristics, both in terms of the level of profitability and with the inflation rate. The tendency to decrease the profitability of investment portfolios during the analyzed period is noted. It was found that the structure of the portfolio of the most profitable open private pension funds is practically the same as the general structure of all pension funds of Ukraine.


Discussion. Author proposed to form the portfolio structure of a private pension fund based on the characteristics of its depositors, and for the part of the portfolio with the largest investment horizon include risky instruments: direct investment funds, venture funds and real estate funds. This will allow using part of the pension savings as a long-term investment resource for the modernization of the domestic economy.

Prospects for further research necessitate consideration of the main methods used in the process of selecting an asset management company, the administrator of a private pension fund, and assess the effectiveness of its asset management of private pension funds.

Author Biography

  • Zoriana Matsuk, Ivano-Fankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
    Ds (Economics), Docent, Professor of the Finance Department


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How to Cite

Matsuk, Zoriana. “Private Pension Funds: Pragmatics and Problems of Activity in Ukraine”. Herald of Economics, no. 3, Nov. 2021, pp. 41–52,

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