Analysis of the influence of business income tax in different regions of Ukraine on the formation of the Consolidated State Budget


  • Hanna Kovtseniuk Chernivtsi Cooperative College of Economics and Law



budget revenues, crisis phenomena, income tax, tax revenues, economical development, agricultural sector


Introduction. The state budget is a financial plan that affects the efficiency of the country’s financial system by acting as an “economy stabilizer”. Considering the negative factors of today, such as military actions, economic and political crisis, the efficiency of filling the budget becomes important. One of the most important budget-forming taxes is the income tax, the analysis and assessment of which is quite relevant.

The goal is to analyze the corporate income tax and determine its role in state budget revenues as a component of an effective taxation system.

Methods. General scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge were used to reveal the defined goal, including methods of analysis, tabular, graphic, economic- statistical, comparison and generalization.

Results. An analysis of state budget revenues was carried out in terms of all types of revenues, an assessment of the structure of tax and non-tax revenues was carried out, the dynamics of tax revenues were revealed, an analysis of the distribution of income from  income tax in terms of budgets was carried out, an assessment of the financial results of agricultural sector enterprises that are subject to taxation was carried out income tax.

Taking into account the identified problems, a model of the development of the income tax system has been developed, which will affect: the level of economic efficiency of economic entities, the transparency of the distribution of the tax burden, the efficiency and fairness of the income tax system, ensuring the optimal share of income tax in the structure of the company’s taxes , balancing the interests of economic subjects, the method of determining the object of taxation, the system of control and administration of the income tax.

Conclusions and perspectives. Currently, it is found that income tax revenues have decreased due to the deterioration of the financial condition and the decrease in the number of business entities, due to such unforeseen factors as COVID 19 and military actions. It is important to focus further research on finding alternative steps on the part of the state to increase the fiscal efficiency of the income tax, which will lead to an increase in revenues to the budget

Author Biography

  • Hanna Kovtseniuk, Chernivtsi Cooperative College of Economics and Law

    a teacher of economic disciplines 


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How to Cite

Kovtseniuk, Hanna. “Analysis of the Influence of Business Income Tax in Different Regions of Ukraine on the Formation of the Consolidated State Budget”. Herald of Economics, no. 4, Dec. 2023, pp. 134-49,

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