The scientific journal Herald of Economics is published four times a year in Ukrainian, English, and Polish.


  • To the Notice Herald of Economics Authors


  • Manuscripts of scientific and practical value are accepted for publication.
  • Manuscripts’ submission deadlines:
    • 1st issue - December 25th,
      • 2nd issue - March 25th,
      • 3rd issue - May 25,
      • 4th issue - September 25.


To have the manuscript published one must submit:

Electronic version of the manuscript in Ukrainian or English in the MS Word editor following the requirements presented further.

 Electronic version of Abstract in Ukrainian and English which should contain 1800-2100 characters with spaces. Abstract in Ukrainian and English is required. Abstract in Polish – only for manuscripts in Polish.

 An electronic copy of the review of the supervisor or other professional in a particular field, holding a scientific degree or academic title, for the authors’ manuscripts without degrees.

 Authors and Affiliations: The authors should specify in the article their first, last and patronymic names, scientific degree, academic title, position, place of work, postal address, contact telephones, code and name of the specialty for submitted manuscript, e-mail address).

The manuscripts should be submitted together with all the required papers.






How to Cite

Herald of Economics Authors, To the Notice. “The Scientific Journal Herald of Economics Is Published Four Times a Year in Ukrainian, English, and Polish”. Herald of Economics, no. 4, Dec. 2021, pp. 240-2,