Improving mechanisms for using financial-credit instruments on the residential real estate market


  • Anzhela Kuznyetsova Banking University
  • Dmytro Shteingauz Banking University



ways of financing construction, investor, developer, housing needs, territorial communities


Introduction. The functioning of the residential real estate market in Ukraine has a number of problems related to the loss of investor confidence in the financing mechanisms used by developers. This is justified by the fact that existing ways of financing construction do not have reliable preventive mechanisms to guarantee the protection of the rights and interests of investors.

Purpose of the research: to improve the mechanism of functioning of the residential real estate market in the region, which is focused on satisfaction the housing needs of territorial communities.

Methods. In the process of research general and special methods were used: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, systematization and elements of comparative analysis.

Results. It is determined that the main ways of investing and financing the construction of housing construction facilities, which are provided by current legislation, are: forward scheme, sale of apartments under previous agreements, investment agreements between investment funds and buyers, target bonds. Such pluralism of ways, on the one hand, creates the preconditions for the rational choice by market participants of those that allow the most efficient use of money and makes the purchase of housing more affordable. On the other hand, the insufficient level of financial literacy of the population complicates the process of such a choice. A study of existing ways of financing housing construction has shown that they do not guarantee the protection of the rights and interests of investors. Thus, we proposed a mechanism for the functioning of the residential real estate market in the region, based on a combination of market mechanisms and state guarantees, and focused on satisfaction the housing needs of territorial communities.

Discussion. Implementation of our proposals to improve the mechanisms of using financial-credit instruments on the housing market, focused on satisfaction the housing needs of territorial communities, will help solve the social problem of today, as well as improve the efficiency of the residential real estate market.

Author Biographies

  • Anzhela Kuznyetsova, Banking University
    D.Sс (Economic), professor, rector
  • Dmytro Shteingauz, Banking University
    PhD student


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How to Cite

Kuznyetsova, Anzhela, and Dmytro Shteingauz. “Improving Mechanisms for Using Financial-Credit Instruments on the Residential Real Estate Market”. Herald of Economics, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 191-02,

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