Management of municipal property in Ukraine and some countries: the essence, tools


  • Ivan Drohobetskyі West Ukrainian National University



Ukraine, some countries of the world, municipal property, local self- government, local government, property management


Introduction. Unfortunately, municipal property, like private property in Ukraine, is not a reliable source of stable local budget revenues because, mainly, the form of ownership is not the leading factor in the high efficiency of the economic system, and the conditions in which it can be created to any of the forms of ownership, including municipal, could reveal its own potential, which will increase the economic efficiency of business entities and improve the living standards of community members.

The aim of the article is to clarify the essence of municipal property and to establish tools for municipal property management in Ukraine and some countries around the world for comparison and improvement.

Research methods. In the process of research to achieve the goal of the article used a number of methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, induction, deduction, synthesis, generalization, comparison of systems and tools of municipal property management in Ukraine and some countries).

Results. In the scientific literature, there is mainly a classification of world-famous models of municipal government organization, which provide for the formation of relations between local governments and relevant authorities in the center. According to this approach, it is expedient to distinguish three such fundamental models of local self-government, as: Anglo-Saxon (classical), continental and mixed. The Anglo-Saxon (classical) model is common, mainly in the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, India and others, where the eponymous legal system. The continental (or French) model of local government organization is quite different, common not only in European countries, including France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, but also in many Latin American countries, the Middle East, and France. It is clear that the analysis of the current state of affairs abroad can play a leading role in solving the problems of improving the management of Ukrainian municipal property. Generalization and popularization of the positive practice of individual countries with developed democracies in the subject area studied by us is expedient for the improvement of the Ukrainian legislation of Ukraine. For example, in order to form several sources of financial resources that are objects of the current municipal property of any country.

Discussion. The analysis of the positive practice of local self-government in Ukraine and some countries of the world allows to draw a number of conclusions: granting local governments some state powers increases the authority of these bodies, promotes their “merging” and mutual enrichment; There is a need to develop the necessary future steps to develop the system and tools of local self-government of Ukraine and consolidate them at the regulatory level, taking into account the different types and forms of business entities, and subject to new laws continue to work in, lack of sufficient necessary financial and economic base, incomplete economic and legal regulation. We should not expect a one-time creation of the basis of local self-government throughout Ukraine, but move in this direction step by step and so on.

Perspectives. In the future, more attention should be paid to the study of the principles and methods of collecting and disseminating positive experience in municipal property management both in Ukraine and in some countries around the world, which were discussed in this publication. It would also be worthwhile to deepen research on areas for improving the efficiency of operational management of municipal property and indicators of its evaluation.

Author Biography

  • Ivan Drohobetskyі, West Ukrainian National University
    post graduate student of the Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel


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How to Cite

Drohobetskyі Ivan. “Management of Municipal Property in Ukraine and Some Countries: The Essence, Tools”. Herald of Economics, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 203-18,

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