The competitiveness of Ukraine’s banks in the world banking market


  • Yevheniia Voinova



assessment of banking services transparency, Ukraine’s banking services market, classification of banks, indicators of competitiveness


The article examines the market of banking services in Ukraine through comparing indicators of competitiveness of Ukrainian banks and banks with foreign capital in the domestic market and global market. Taking into account the network-type structure of banks, six groups of banks are determined according to the degree of branching, namely: systemically important banks, all-Ukrainian equilibrium banks, all-Ukrainian concentrated banks, regional banks,  local  individual  banks,  closed  banks.  A  particular  emphasis  is placed on a range of banking services and pricing policies of banks groups. The classification of factors developed by M. Yokoi-Arai and N. Yoshino is used in order to assess the competitiveness of Ukraine’s banks in terms of effectiveness and volume of services provided, information technology and resource management. About fifty indicators of banking activites performed by groups of banks with domestic and foreign capital are compared, and also best-performing banks in these groups are described based on the analysis of 82 operating banks in Ukraine. The article presents evidence that, under current conditions in Ukraine, banks with domestic and foreign capital are represented    in all categories of banking services. It is pointed out that the highest competitiveness of Ukraine’s banks is observed in developing the network of ATM terminals, promoting Internet banking and, thus, a wide coverage of banking services. It is noted that Ukraine’s banks are less competitive in providing services for big businesses, international companies, funding projects, innovations and start-ups. The findings of the research paper can be useful for educational purposes as well as for professionals in the banking sector.

Author Biography

  • Yevheniia Voinova
    Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov

    The competitiveness of Ukraine’s banks in the world banking market


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How to Cite

Voinova, Yevheniia. “The Competitiveness of Ukraine’s Banks in the World Banking Market”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(90), July 2019, pp. 81-98,

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