Current issues of the performance of Ukraine’s financial services market


  • Tetiana Pysmenna



Key words, financial services market, insurance services, banking services, investment services, joint investment institutions.


Introduction. It is emphasized that the sustainable development of national economy is possible as long as the financial services market functions effectively. The market is formed by the entities providing insurance, banking and investment services.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the current challenges which hinder the development of Ukraine’s financial services market.

Methods. The methodological framework of the study includes the following general research methods: induction, analysis, and generalization.

Results. The main indicators reflecting the performance of the domestic insurance services market are analysed. Based on gross insurance premiums and insurance payments, it is found out that the most common type of insurance is vehicle insurance. The research paper claims that nowadays various types of insurance are being developed progressively in Ukraine. Special attention is paid to life insurance, because this type of insurance is viewed as socially essential. However, the development of life insurance market in Ukraine is rated as low.

The presence of domestic banks on the financial services market is determined through the following indicators: the amount of funds received by business entities and individuals; the amount of gross loans granted to them. Under the current conditions, the domestic banks are providing financial services with innovative solutions.

The main performance indicators of the domestic market of investment services with the participation of joint investment institutions are analysed. The development of this segment of the investment services market is evidenced by the increasing volume of assets owned by investment funds. The author also notes that there is a lack of people’s involvement in joint investment institutions.

Discussion. The research findings are applicable and can be used in implementing strategies for the growth of Ukraine’s financial services market.

Author Biography

  • Tetiana Pysmenna
    Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Pysmenna, Tetiana. “Current Issues of the Performance of Ukraine’s Financial Services Market”. Herald of Economics, no. 2(92), Aug. 2019, pp. 57-70,

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