Financial leasing as financial and credit support for investment activities of enterprises


  • Tetiana Vasylieva
  • Oleksii Zakharkin
  • Liudmyla Zakharkina



financial leasing, bank loan, financial and credit support, investment activity, enterprises.


The purpose of the article is to provide scientific rationale of the place and role of financial leasing in financial and credit support for investment activities of enterprises. The subject matter of the research includes various aspects of the current state of financial leasing and ways of its advancement in Ukraine. The article provides an analysis of investment activities based on the volume of investments in Ukraine and determines the role of financial leasing as a funding for investment resources of enterprises. The paper also examines the legal and regulatory framework for financial leasing operations and highlights different interpretations of this form of financing as well as its formal indicators. An analysis of statistical data on the financial and credit market provides important insights into trends of financial leasing contracts and the volume of loans issued to corporate borrowers, and thus makes it possible to conclude that there is a lack of leasing operations in business activities of entities. The point is mainly supported by the fact that financial leasing contracts which have been made lately are not widespread enough after the crisis in 2014. The dynamics of changes in the volume of leasing contracts by dates of signing is considered, and it is found that there   is a tendency to shortening the duration of financial leasing services. An industry factor   of providing financial leasing services is taken into consideration and the main industries where these services are widespread are described. The existing approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of leasing contracts are systematized. The key challenges that hinder the growth of leasing in Ukraine are identified.

The research methods used in the article include: analysis, synthesis and abstraction (for forming the rationale and developing the terminological and conceptual framework   of the study); comparison, systematization and logical generalization (for examining the concept of financial leasing, its legal regulation and specific features of using in Ukraine); statistical, structural and comparative analysis (for exploring ways of advancement of financial leasing in Ukraine).

financialleasing;bankloan;financialandcreditsupport;investmentactivity; enterprises.

Author Biographies

  • Tetiana Vasylieva

    Sumy State University

  • Oleksii Zakharkin

    Sumy State University

  • Liudmyla Zakharkina

    Sumy State University


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How to Cite

Vasylieva, Tetiana, et al. “Financial Leasing As Financial and Credit Support for Investment Activities of Enterprises”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(90), July 2019, pp. 59-68,

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