Sources of financial support for inclusive development of territorial communities in the state of war


  • Tetiana Zheliuk West Ukrainian National University
  • Alina Zhukovska West Ukrainian National University



new regional policy, inclusive approach, financial support, community civil protection centers


Introduction. The vitality of territorial communities in the conditions of modern challenges requires the implementation of a regional policy of using an inclusive approach which provides for the creation of safe conditions for the integral development of territories, an effective system of civil protection according to the type of territory: territories with special conditions for development; the territory of sustainable development; poles of economic growth. The realism of this task depends on organizational and institutional support and accumulation of internal and external financial resources, activation of project grant funding.

Purpose of the research. Justification of approaches to financial provision of integral, safe development of territorial communities by substantiating the sources of financial provision of the system of civil protection of territories and thereby ensuring their balanced and inclusive development.

Research methods. System approach – to justify the place of the inclusive approach in the implementation of the new regional policy in the conditions of martial law. Structural analysis - for the purpose of researching the structure of internal and external financial resources for the creation of modern systems of civil protection of communities. Comparative analysis - with the aim of identifying modern possibilities of external grant funding for the implementation of projects of civil protection of territories.

Results. The scientific and organizational approaches to the accumulation and use of financial resources for the creation of an effective system of civil protection of the population of territorial communities, as a necessary component of the inclusive-oriented vector of the implementation of regional policy in the conditions of martial law, are substantiated.

Perspectives. The author’s work can be used in the budgeting of the development of territorial communities and the search for additional sources for the financial support of the creation of a modern system of civil protection of territories under martial law.

Author Biographies

  • Tetiana Zheliuk, West Ukrainian National University
    Ds (Economics), Professor, Professor of the Department of Management, public administration and personnel
  • Alina Zhukovska, West Ukrainian National University

    PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, public administration and personnel


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How to Cite

Zheliuk, Tetiana, and Alina Zhukovska. “Sources of Financial Support for Inclusive Development of Territorial Communities in the State of War”. Herald of Economics, no. 3, Oct. 2022, pp. 183-02,

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