Digital transformation of the Japanese economy and prospects for the implementation of experience in the development of digital trade in Ukraine


  • Iryna Shevchenko West Ukrainian National University
  • Iryna Zvarych West Ukrainian National University



digitalization, business processes, global markets, digital transition.


Introduction. The disclosure of the development of digital trade in Ukraine using the example of the digital transformation of the Japanese economy is a relevant and promising topic for the digitalization of the country’s economy. The research problem is revealed as an initial analysis of Japan’s digital development by revealing the structure of the general standard of digitalization of the economy.

A brief review of the literature. In recent years, a lot of work has been devoted to the development of the digital economy in the world, including the digitization of Ukraine. However, there are unresolved issues regarding the introduction of international experience into the economy of Ukraine to ensure the conditions for the globalization of digital trade.

The purpose of the study is to reveal Japan’s digital transformation strategy, which ensures the development of the digital economy and to find ways to implement experience in Ukraine in order to improve the development of digital trade in global markets.

The methodological basis of the research is general philosophical and general scientific methods.

The main results of the study consist in the developed models of implementation of Japan’s experience in the development of digital trade of Ukraine. The paper presents the key aspects of the digital transformation of the Japanese economy by revealing the structure of the general standard of digitization of the Japanese economy. The study analyzed the dynamics and built a forecast of demand and the number of personnel in the field of IT. The projected dynamics of the size of the «direct consumption» (D2C) market in Japan were constructed and the distribution of consumer goods in procurement channels by product categories was revealed, which made it possible to identify the main orientations of Japan’s digital trade. With the help of a detailed analysis of the digital transformation of Japan, the author concluded, however, that for Ukraine there are some regulatory violations that allow accelerating the development of digitalization. On the basis of the conducted research on the evaluation of Ukraine’s author’s obstacles to the development of digital trade, a model of the implementation of Japan’s digitalization experience in the development of digital trade of Ukraine was developed. The practical significance of the research results arises from their use by Ukrainian enterprises for placental digitalization and entry into the global market of digital trade. The developed model, according to the author, can be the basis for a methodical approach to determining the level of development of digital trade in Ukraine.

Conclusions and prospects for further investigations. Currently, it has been found that, contrary to its image as a high-tech nation, Japan lags behind not only in economic development, but also in innovative technologies. The digitization of products and services, as well as the integration of revolutionary technologies such as digital payment services, are part of a cycle related to increased consumption of digital media and people’s ability to adapt to technology. Ukraine is following an identical path of digitization of the economy, but it lacks the experience of Japan’s innovative technologies. Further research into the development of a methodical approach to assessing the level of development of digital trade in global markets is still relevant.

Author Biographies

  • Iryna Shevchenko, West Ukrainian National University
    PhD (Economics), Assistant professor, Doctoral student
  • Iryna Zvarych, West Ukrainian National University
    Head of the Department of International Economics, D.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, Iryna, and Iryna Zvarych. “Digital Transformation of the Japanese Economy and Prospects for the Implementation of Experience in the Development of Digital Trade in Ukraine”. Herald of Economics, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 94-108,

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