Development of local democracy in the system of reforming public administration


  • Dmytro Ruban Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



democracy, local democracy, local self-government, public administration, public expenditure, levels of administration, challenges.


Introduction. The multifaceted nature of the processes of reforming public administration determines the relevance of conducting a comprehensive study of the development processes of local democracy as one of the key directions. Among the main focuses of scientific research on the development of the system of public administration and local self- government is the identification of the main problems and obstacles, taking into account the priorities of European integration and the processes of European integration.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to understand the meaning of the concepts “democracy” and “local democracy” from the standpoint of forming systemic conditions for their spread worldwide and ensuring the full development of local democracy in Ukraine.

Methods. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: as a historical analysis, synthesis, and analogies - for the study of the conceptual apparatus; analysis, grouping, and tabular methods - in tracking the processes of the spread of democracy and its resource provision for the development of local democracy.

The works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, reports of international analytical agencies, and domestic legislation form the research information base.

Results. Approaches to understanding are revealed, and the relationship between “democracy” and “local democracy” as the basis of modern concepts of social development is determined. Emphasis is placed on the systematization of the basic provisions of the concept of local democracy. The processes of the spread of democracy in the world are analyzed according to the typology of countries according to the level of development of democracy. The structure of government expenditures by levels of management was studied. Countries are grouped according to the distribution of costs between levels of public administration. The peculiarities of the development of local democracy in Ukraine are revealed under the main problems and challenges caused by the war.

Prospects. Further research should investigate the development processes of local democracy in the context of ensuring the post-war renewal of Ukraine’s regions and the fulfillment of tasks to ensure accelerated integration into the EU. In this context, an in-depth study of the experience of EU countries and the development of tools for the implementation of strategic tasks following the peculiarities of Ukraine are essential.

Author Biography

  • Dmytro Ruban, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
    graduate student of the graduate student of the department of parliamentarism, Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service


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How to Cite

Ruban, Dmytro. “Development of Local Democracy in the System of Reforming Public Administration”. Herald of Economics, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 153-65,

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