Marketing technologies in the public administrationof the territorial community: problems of implementation


  • Alla Melnyk West Ukrainian National University



territorial marketing, marketing technologies, public administration, territorial community, marketing approach in territory management


Introduction. Increasing the autonomy of the territorial communities activities as subjects of economic relations in making management decisions, which was a consequence of decentralization, the need to ensure their self-sufficiency, new approaches to understanding the territorial community as a kind of corporation, as a local “quasi-market”, as a society, actualization of the problem of increasing efficiency the economic potential of communities determine the need for new approaches to solving the problems of their development, the search for new technologies in the public administration system. Territorial marketing is among the newest technologies that are becoming more widespread in the work of territorial communities and their local self-government bodies. Its importance is recognized by foreign and domestic scientists, although the applied aspects of its use are not sufficiently developed at the methodological and methodical level and have not been widely used in the territorial communities of Ukraine. This actualizes the choice of the research topic in the scientific work offered to the reader.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is the development of theoretical provisions regarding the meaningful characteristics of marketing technologies in the system of territorial marketing, the identification of the level of their application in the domestic practice of public management of territorial communities, and the development of approaches to their further implementation in the period of transformational changes.

Methods. To achieve the goal, the research used general and special methods: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis to form a conceptual vision of the place of marketing technologies in the system of territorial marketing, structural analysis and systematization – to determine the main elements of territorial marketing, comparative analysis – to compare foreign and the domestic practice of using marketing technologies in the management of the development of municipal entities of the basic level, generalization, reasoning – to identify institutional prerequisites and directions for the further implementation of marketing technologies in the public management of communities.

Results. Based on the use of an interdisciplinary approach, in particular, a combination of marketing science, regional economy and public administration, a systematic approach to revealing the essence of territorial marketing was formed by supplementing the existing interpretation with the concept of “marketing technologies”. The author’s definition of marketing technologies is proposed, which means the methods, techniques, tools that must be applied when using the marketing approach by subjects of public management of the development of territories to achieve the goals of the territorial community. The functional load of such marketing technologies asmarketing research, socio-economic monitoring, resource analysis, comprehensive analysis of municipal projects, marketing technologies in municipal pricing, marketing technologies in evaluating and increasing the investment attractiveness of the territory, local branding has been specified. The applied aspects of the use of marketing technologies in the public management of territorial communities in Ukraine were considered, the shortcomings and obstacles to their full implementation were identified, and the directions for further implementation were determined.

Discussion. Research on the use of marketing technologies to diversify activities in the housing market, the use of marketing infrastructure to increase the competitiveness of small businesses, and the use of marketing tools to ensure public relations are promising from the point of view of the development of the scientific foundations of territorial marketing.


Author Biography

  • Alla Melnyk, West Ukrainian National University

    Sc.(Economics), Professor,

    Professor of the Departmen to fmanagement, public administration and personnel


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How to Cite

Melnyk, Alla. “Marketing Technologies in the Public Administrationof the Territorial Community: Problems of Implementation”. Herald of Economics, no. 3, Nov. 2024, pp. 24-44,

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