Improvement accounting information regarding profit distribution in the context of modern management needs


  • Volodymyr Okrenets West Ukrainian National University



profit, profit formation, profit distribution directions, accounting, accounting information, analytical information


Introduction. Accounting data form the core of the management information system. Understanding the basic principles of profit allocation methodology is important for management personnel, while awareness and application of rules for reflecting profit information in accounting and reporting are crucial for accounting staff.

The aim of the article is to identify opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of using accounting information on profit distribution for management purposes.

Methods. The following methods were used in the research process: analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, induction, deduction, analogy, comparison, specification, structural-logical, and tabular methods. The information base of the study included works by domestic and foreign scholars, current legislation, and personal experience.

Results. The article defines the concept of “profit distribution” from the perspective of modern management needs. It is proposed to allocate income tax in accordance with the debit balance of accounts 79. The main directions of profit distribution are systematized into groups of 1) stability and development and 2) withdrawal. Accounts of the 3rd order to sub-account 443 are proposed to obtain accounting information on the directions of profit utilization and consumption. Sub-accounts 4411 “Profit (loss) from core activities” and 4412 “Profit (loss) from other operating activities” are defined and detailed by profit responsibility centers. It is proposed to detail the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Comprehensive Income by profit distribution directions.

Perspectives. The main directions of further research may include harmonizing management and accounting needs in the context of grouping and analytical presentation of accounting data both in accounting accounts and in financial and internal reporting of the enterprise.

Author Biography

  • Volodymyr Okrenets, West Ukrainian National University

    graduate student of the Department of Accounting and Taxation


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How to Cite

Okrenets, Volodymyr. “Improvement Accounting Information Regarding Profit Distribution in the Context of Modern Management Needs”. Herald of Economics, no. 2, Aug. 2024, pp. 164-76,

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