Internal control: the substance and features of organization in enterprises performing commission operations


  • Khrystyna Kuzma



internal control, enterprise, commission operations, internal control system, organization of internal control


The article considers various points of view on the concept of internal control that have been put forward by researchers in recent studies. And thus a revised definition of this concept is proposed. It is found that internal control is an integral part of management of any type of enterprise. The concept of internal control system is thoroughly examined, the latest thoughts on the meaning of the term are analysed, and a revised definition of this concept is suggested. The role of internal control system in enterprises performing commission operations is determined. The paper emphasizes that effectiveness of internal control in enterprises performing commission operations depends on its proper organization. As the results indicate, there are three stages of exercising internal control in enterprises performing commission operations. It is noted that the main stage of exercising internal control in enterprises performing commission operations plays a crucial role. The study indicates that the organization of internal control and its maintenance in enterprises of commission trade depend on who supposed to take charge of control procedures, committents or commission agents. The paper presents ways of internal control over commission operations exercised by both committents and commission agents. It is pointed out that internal control carried out by committents and commission agents plays different roles. The key components of exercising internal control by commission agents are determined.

In order to examine economic phenomena and processes a number of general and specific research methods are

Author Biography

  • Khrystyna Kuzma
    Lviv Trade and Economic University 


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How to Cite

Kuzma, Khrystyna. “Internal Control: The Substance and Features of Organization in Enterprises Performing Commission Operations”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(90), July 2019, pp. 145-5,

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