The organization of management accounting on the example of brewing enterprises


  • Yakiv Averkin



management accounting, expenses, revenues, budget, information.


The research paper highlights the issue of the organization of management accounting on the example of brewing enterprises. The purpose of the article is to reveal key characteristics of the organization of management accounting on the example of brewing enterprises. It is  pointed  out  that  management  accounting  is  an  integrated  system  of gathering, processing and transmitting information on revenues and expenses of enterprises to internal users in order to ensure effective cost management and yield good financial results. It is emphasized that in management accounting there are no restrictions regarding the choice of methods and regulations. Therefore, enterprises develop their own system of management accounting taking into account various parameters and factors. Also, accountants give consideration to enterprise’s economic information.

With a view to introducing management accounting in brewing enterprises the following stages are suggested: presentation and approval of management accounting policies     of the organization; development and approval of internal organizational standards for management accounting; approval of primary documents and records for management accounting; approval of accounts for management accounting; development of the budgetary system of brewing enterprises; development of methods for exercising control over budget execution and cost control. It is noted that the organization of management accounting in industrial enterprises is a process of transferring methodology into practice. It is concluded that Department of Management Accounting within the institutional and managerial structure of a brewing enterprise should be established in order to support efficient business operations and economic activities.

The general and special research methods used in the article include: generalization, grouping and comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, etc.

Author Biography

  • Yakiv Averkin
    Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Averkin, Yakiv. “The Organization of Management Accounting on the Example of Brewing Enterprises”. Herald of Economics, no. 3(89), July 2019, pp. 117-25,

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