Assessment of competitiveness in Ukraine and its regions measured by indicators of international trade (based on the methodology of IMD, Lausanne)


  • Serhii Zakharchenko



international trade, competitiveness (country, region), factors (subfactors) and indicators of competitiveness, competitiveness rating, IMD-rating.


The research paper reveals the importance of maintaining the international trade at the appropriate level in order to ensure high competitiveness of countries and regions. On the basis of the methods developed by experts of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland), the author has presented an original approach to assessment of the international trade as a factor of competitiveness of countries and their regions. The competitiveness of Ukraine and its regions is assessed through key indicators of the international trade (balance of payments, exports and imports of goods / services, national currency rate, etc.). The article offers strategies for enhancing the competitiveness of Ukraine and its regions by improving the international trade, particularly by maintaining a positive trade balance, increasing the import-export ratio, harmonizing national technical standards to international ones, developing international tourism, benefiting from accession to the WTO and Ukraine-EU Association Agreement.

Author Biography

  • Serhii Zakharchenko
    Vinnytsia Cooperative Institute


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How to Cite

Zakharchenko, Serhii. “Assessment of Competitiveness in Ukraine and Its Regions Measured by Indicators of International Trade (based on the Methodology of IMD, Lausanne)”. Herald of Economics, no. 1(83), July 2019, pp. 89-99,

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