The concept of regulation of international labour migration in Ukraine


  • Oksana Losheniuk



international labour migration, state migration policy, the concept of regulation of international labour migration


The article deals with challenges and opportunities for international labour migration in Ukraine. It is stressed that the approach to regulation of international labour migration should be comprehensive and should encompass a whole range of factors influencing migration flows, which will ensure making appropriate economic and social changes. The present concept of regulation of international labour migration in Ukraine is analyzed and the need for its improvement is discussed. The priority goals of the Concept of State Migration Policy in Ukraine are highlighted. It is stated that state migration policy is carried out in both emigration and immigration. Some of the key factors of immigration and emigration are identified. It is proved that migration policy in Ukraine is being shaped towards the European Union, which envisages a mutually beneficial redistribution of human resources over the countries. The paper claims, that achieving the quality of life as high as in the EU countries is a key demand for the integration into the European Union. It is emphasized that the existing legislation on migration has some weak points related to developing and fulfilling human potential of migrants. A range of measures to regulate international labour migration is introduced. Based on the research findings, the following actions are proposed to meet the aims of regulation of international labour migration in Ukraine: reduction of emigration from Ukraine by improving its socio-economic status; training and retraining of potential emigrants tailored to the specific characteristics of labor market growth in the country; stimulation of internal mobility aimed at the reduction of emigration; regulation of external employment of Ukrainian citizens; creation of conditions for attracting and efficient using of migrants’ money transfers; using transnational connections of migrants; halting the employment of national human resources; stimulation of immigration attractiveness for certain professional; halting illegal and undesirable migration; regulation of immigrants in Ukraine; legalization of illegal present immigrants; signing bilateral agreements between countries on return migration; stimulating re-emigration; protection of the rights and interests of labour migrants in Ukraine and abroad.

Author Biography

  • Oksana Losheniuk
    Kyiv National Trade and Economic University


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How to Cite

Losheniuk, Oksana. “The Concept of Regulation of International Labour Migration in Ukraine”. Herald of Economics, no. 3(85), July 2019, pp. 64-74,

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