Human resources as an integral part of Ukraine’s scientific and technical capacity: features of dynamics


  • Oleksandr Bielov



scientific and technical capacity, strategic development, innovations, R&D, research and engineering personnel.


Introduction. Since fulfilling the potential of scientific and technical capacity is viewed as an essential source of innovations, it is considered to be the basis of the innovative development of national economy. In this context, human resources constitute the most importantassetforthegrowthofscientificandtechnicalcapacity.Theobjectofresearchis toexaminescientificandtechnicalcapacityofUkraine’sregions,whilethesubjectofstudy is to focus on changes in the number of research and engineering personnel in Ukraine’s regions.

Purpose.Theaimofthearticleistoidentifyspecificfeaturesofthedynamicsaswellas its characteristics and critical points of suchchanges.

Methods. The author has proposed and defined a method that applies analysis of acceleration of absolute growth.

Results.Basedonthemethod,thekeyratiosofaccelerationtoabsolutegrowthofmain indicators considered and their economic features have beendetermined. The paper examines the number of research and engineering personnel engaged in R&D work in Ukraine and its dynamics from 1995 to 2017. The paper also provides an analysisofshort-termandlong-termdynamicsofratiosofaccelerationtoabsolutegrowth. Their characteristic features and critical points areidentified.

Introduction. Since fulfilling the potential of scientific and technical capacity is viewedas an essential source of innovations, it is considered to be the basis of the innovativedevelopment of national economy. In this context, human resources constitute the mostimportant asset for the growth of scientific and technical capacity. The object of research isto examine scientific and technical capacity of Ukraine’s regions, while the subject of study

Author Biography

  • Oleksandr Bielov
    Poltava University of Economics and Trade


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How to Cite

Bielov, Oleksandr. “Human Resources As an Integral Part of Ukraine’s Scientific and Technical Capacity: Features of Dynamics”. Herald of Economics, no. 2(92), Aug. 2019, pp. 24-35,

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