Knowledge economy in a self-learning organization


  • Olga Dyakiv Ternopil National Economic University
  • Dmytro Shushpanov Ternopil National Economic University
  • Vadim Poshelyuzhny Ternopil National Economic University



knowledge economy, knowledge, index of knowledge economy, competencies, self-learning organization.


Introduction. Changing the priorities of forming the development strategy of modern business is to some extent related to the development of the knowledge economy based on the optimal combination of existing knowledge and the development of new one. The competitiveness of the organization in the market largely depends on the level of efficiency of investing in knowledge. At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to knowledge management issues in Ukrainian organizations, which enhances the relevance of the chosen topic. Given this, the purpose of the article is to generalize approaches to the formation and development of a knowledge economy to provide opportunities for realizing the values оf a self-learning organization.

Methods. To achieve this goal and perform certain tasks, modern research methods are used, in particular: historical and logical analysis − to reveal the process of formation and development of the knowledge economy; system analysis − to determine the essence of the basic categories; analysis and synthesis − to study the existing system of knowledge economy; peer review and index method − to evaluate the model of a self-learning organization.

 Results. The provisions and conclusions of the article are related to an important scientific and practical problem bound to the development of a system of measures aimed at developing the organization’s ability to develop the competencies of its employees, the ability to timely produce, accumulate and efficiently apply new knowledge of employees in the process of manufacturing an innovative product.

 It is proved that in the conditions of the knowledge economy, the study of the processes of creation and development of knowledge, due to which the organization receives a significant competitive advantage in the market, is relevant. The problems that inhibit the development of the knowledge economy in Ukraine are identified and ways to solve them are outlined. The results of a sociological study conducted among «MagneticOne» employees are presented and analyzed to assess the availability and prospects of expanding innovative forms and methods of knowledge management in domestic IT companies. Based on this, recommendations were made on the frequency of educational events at IT companies, which contribute to the self-development of employees and the improvement of the effective construction of internal communications. It is established that new knowledge is the intellectual basis of the management and functioning of the organization, the most important component of the formation of intellectual capital. Knowledge is the result of the creative work of people, with the help of which the company forms its values аnd develops.

 Prospects. Considering the relevance of this topic and the existing scientific achievements, it is advisable to deepen research in the field of society’s transition to a knowledge economy, increase the innovative activity of a self-learning organization.


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How to Cite

Dyakiv, Olga, et al. “Knowledge Economy in a Self-Learning Organization”. Herald of Economics, no. 1(95), Mar. 2020, pp. 113-25,

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