Innovative approaches to talent management in the context of digital transformation
Talent management, digital transformation, innovation, human resource management, human capital, corporate culture, strategic planning, competitiveness, labor market, competencies, talent motivation, talent developmentAbstract
Introduction. In today’s knowledge-driven and globalized world, talent management has become critically important for organizational success. Digital transformation and rapid changes in the labor market demand new approaches to human resource management, as traditional methods often fail to meet these emerging challenges. Companies face difficulties in attracting and retaining talented employees due to demographic shifts, migration processes, and the rapid obsolescence of professional skills. These challenges compel organizations to seek innovative approaches to ensure their competitiveness and long-term success.
The purpose of the study. The objective of this study is to identify and analyze innovative approaches to talent management in the context of digital transformation. The research focuses on examining the impact of modern technologies on human resource management and identifying innovative practices that can be implemented to enhance the effectiveness of talent management in organizations during the digital era.
Research Methods. The article employs methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, as well as a comparative analysis of different approaches to talent management in the context of digital transformation. The study is based on an examination of current trends and practices, particularly the experiences of foreign and domestic companies. Additionally, the authors conducted a sociological survey among HR managers and employees to obtain empirical data on attitudes toward the implementation of innovative approaches in talent management.
Results. The research findings indicate that innovative approaches to talent management, such as the digitization of hiring and employee development processes, the implementation of flexible work models, the development of corporate culture, and strategic talent planning, are key success factors in the modern business environment. The authors also conducted a sociological survey among HR managers and employees from various companies, which confirmed the relevance of adopting new technologies to enhance talent management effectiveness. The survey revealed that the majority of respondents support the use of digital tools to improve the processes of selection, training, and retention of employees.
Prospects. Future research could focus on studying the impact of specific innovative practices on organizational performance and their adaptation to the Ukrainian context. Special attention should be given to the development of human capital and the integration of innovations into traditional HR management models.
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