The strategy of marketing as a tool of competitiveness management


  • Hanna Temchenko KryvyiRih National University
  • Kateryna Astafieva KryvyiRih National University
  • Olga Bondarchuk KryvyiRih National University



marketing activity, marketing management, competitive advantages, management, efficiency.


Introduction. Efficient management is the necessary component of improving the efficiency and production competitiveness, creation, development and realization of competitive advantages of enterprises in the market conditions. In order to exist the enterprise must clearly define and perform its mission. Competition encourages the enterprise to think of effective means to accomplish its mission and its competitive status. The main task of marketing strategy isthe competitive advantageformation. Thus, definite mission, competitive status and competitive advantage, the principles, rules, norms andthe firm’sobjectivesgive a stable basis for making any decisions in the organization and development of the strategy integrity that is acceptable for the external and the internal enterprise environment.

 Purpose. The purpose of the article is to find the strategic basis of marketing to manage the competitiveness of the enterpriseeffectively.

 Methods. The methods of abstraction, analysis, idealization, systematization, institutional analysis are used in the research work.

 Results. The mathematical model of the indicator which characterizes the economic return from the rational formation and the application of the marketing mechanism in combination with the material-resource potential and real potential capabilities of the organization are proposed for consideration. The application of the proposed model allows to calculate the parameters of the organization competitiveness in the following sequence: product competitiveness, enterprise competitiveness, industry competitiveness.

 Perspectives. It is necessary to find and approve new ways of enterprises’ competitivenessenhancement that consider the sectoral and regional peculiarities of the developmentin the current situation. In our opinion, it is necessary to implementthe positive experience of foreign countries in improving the competitiveness of the economy, in particular, cluster theory of the economic development.


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How to Cite

Temchenko, Hanna, et al. “The Strategy of Marketing As a Tool of Competitiveness Management”. Herald of Economics, no. 1(95), Mar. 2020, pp. 126-33,

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