Trends in the development of the high-tech sphere in the conditions of globalization


  • Iryna Otenko Ds (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of International Business and Economic Analysis
  • Оlena Ptashchenko Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics



high technologies, high-tech sphere, globalization, globalization of economy, integration, informatization, world economy


Introduction. The presented work considers the main features of the high-tech sphere, presents trends in its development taking into account the requirements of time and processes of globalization and integration based on the generalization and analysis of theoretical, analytical and statistical information layer.  It is determined that the concept  of high technology is a new technology based on the current stage of scientific and technological development. They correspond to a specific list of world commodity markets and priorities of scientific, technical and innovation policy of developed countries. The peculiarity of high technologies is that their rapid development changes the market and accelerates in other sectors of the economy.

The purpose of the study is the process of creating new high technologies, and the subject of the study is the analysis of the main trends in the development of high-tech industry. The aim of the study is to consider the processes of globalization in the context of their impact on the high-tech sphere. The study is based on the analysis of research in the field of high technology and the formation of major trends in high-tech development, which allows to predict the main vector of development of high-tech sphere and the ability to forecast the development of domestic high-tech sphere.

Research methods. The article used general scientific and specific research methods, in particular: comparison - to study the theoretical foundations of high-tech development and the formation of a categorical research apparatus; analysis and synthesis - in the process of identifying trends in the development of high-tech sphere.

Research results. Technological progress has completely changed the structure of the modern world economy. Thanks to technology, new activities have now been developed, many of which are efficient and highly profitable. A classic example of the impact of      the introduction of high technology in everyday life is the emergence and use of new information technology. With the widespread use of new communication technology, this has dramatically reduced the cost of voice, data, text, images, and international charges for the transmission of information. 

Note that not every technology is a commodity and not every brand of technology. Technology can be a commodity in a certain field of activity, from an idea to a market, where you can identify applications that can be commercialized, analyzed and used. However, in this case, the technology must meet the requirements of standard products, such as patents, know-how, industrial or industrial designs, manufacturing practices, equipment and other equipment, technology, in short, as a means of production. technological processes.

Perspectives. In future research we plan to identify the main problems of development of high-tech sphere of Ukraine; a promising direction is to determine the main characteristics of high-tech products, which are formed at each stage of production and in the presence of unsatisfactory characteristics, possible intervention in the production process of a prototype high-tech product.

Author Biographies

  • Iryna Otenko, Ds (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of International Business and Economic Analysis
    Ds (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of International Business and Economic 


  • Оlena Ptashchenko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
    Ds (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of International Business and Economic Analysis


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How to Cite

Otenko, Iryna, and Ptashchenko Оlena. “Trends in the Development of the High-Tech Sphere in the Conditions of Globalization”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(98), Feb. 2021, pp. 65-76,

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