The trajectory of the development of the educational space (strategic aspect)


  • Olena Garashchuk State service of education quality of Ukraine
  • Vira Kutsenko Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»



trajectory, educational sphere, best practices, socio-economic development


Introduction. Activation of the processes of European integration of Ukraine, in particular, involves entry into the European educational space, and this necessitates the solution of a number of tasks by the educational system. Among them: promote the development of professional inclinations and interests of pupils and students, providing them with the necessary amount of knowledge; to help students choose a field of professional activity that would correspond to their abilities and opportunities and, at the same time, optimally correlate with social and personal interests, as well as prepare future specialists for the challenges that may await them in the modern labor market. At the same time, it is important to focus on the education of a creative personality that is able to adapt to the changes taking place around it. All these processes affect indicators characterizing the level of education development and the state of the environment in which they occur. As practice shows, changes are primarily variations in the external environment that affect, in particular, the activities of educational institutions.

Purpose of the research. The purpose of the study is to methodologically ensure the strengthening of the role of education in ensuring positive socio-economic changes in the development of the country through the improvement of the training of competitive specialists with the active use of original, creative, innovative approaches and solutions.

Results. The main tasks currently facing the educational sphere are defined and revealed. The role of education in the formation of the country’s personnel potential and the creative personality of an employee operating in a market economy is characterized. The essence and importance of achieving appropriate educational standards and the unity of the educational space are highlighted. The main components of the system of the educational process and principles, the observance of which contributes to the improvement of the quality of educational services, are given. The main component trajectories of education development in the conditions of globalization and European integration of our country are substantiated, as well as approaches to the active use of best practices in this aspect.

Prospects. The strategic direction of the formation and development of the trajectory of the educational space determines the prospects for further research, which should be aimed at achieving a harmonious balance of all aspects of training employees in the educational sphere. Directly, this involves solving the tasks of ensuring the transmission of social norms and rules between generations and optimizing the mechanism of social-normative control, as well as the restructuring of institutions of professional socialization and the expansion of individual autonomy in the education system, the creation of conditions for ensuring equal access of the population to educational institutions, the activation of modernization education and ensuring constant improvement of the quality of the social and educational environment as a prerequisite for the innovative development of Ukraine.


Author Biographies

  • Olena Garashchuk, State service of education quality of Ukraine
    D. Sc. (Economic), Professor, Department head of Communications and International Cooperation
  • Vira Kutsenko, Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

    Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Chief Researcher of Department of Natural-Technogenic and Environmental Safety


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How to Cite

Garashchuk, Olena, and Vira Kutsenko. “The Trajectory of the Development of the Educational Space (strategic Aspect)”. Herald of Economics, no. 2, July 2022, pp. 186-9,

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