Indicators of social and economic statistics as мetrics of state economic security


  • Mykhailo Trofimchuk Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities
  • Oleg Koloizd Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities



economic security, socio-economic statistics, macroeconomic indicators, sustainable development, inflation, unemployment


Introduction. Economic security is one of the key aspects of a state’s sustainable development. It covers the state’s ability to protect its economic interests, ensure stable functioning and development of the economic system, and minimize risks associated with external and internal threats. An important role in assessing the level and monitoring of economic security is played by indicators of socio-economic statistics, which allow analyzing the economy, identifying potential threats and developing measures to neutralize them.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the main socio-economic indicators that should be used as measures of economic security and to substantiate the specifics of their analysis and interpretation in the context of economic security assessment on the example of Ukraine’s economy.

Methods. The study is based on a systemic approach, according to which the economy is a system in which various elements interact, including industry and trade, the financial sector, and the social sphere. The method of causal relationships was used to substantiate and adapt the values and dynamics of changes in socio-economic statistical indicators in the context of the state’s economic security. The article also uses methods of statistical analysis, such as dynamic and structural analysis of individual indicators of socio-economic statistics, to identify trends and structural changes in the economic security of Ukraine. In addition, the methodology for calculating the correlation coefficient was used to identify and substantiate the relationship between individual economic indicators, which can be used to assess and monitor the economic security of the state.

Results. The study defines the role of indicators of socio-economic statistics in assessing the economic security of the country. The main criteria for indicators that can serve as indicators of the country’s economic security are defined and substantiated. Based on a systematic approach, a list of macroeconomic and social statistics indicators is formed with the aim of analyzing them as indicators of economic security. It is established that certain indicators may have conditionally normative (optimal) values, deviation from which will indicate deterioration in the level of economic security. Using the data of socio- economic statistics of Ukraine as an example, it is substantiated that specific numerical values, dynamics of changes, structural features of such indicators as gross domestic product, inflation rate, unemployment rate, foreign trade balance, nominal average wage, and public debt are interrelated with the economic security of the state. 

Prospects for further research consider the necessity of creating a comprehensive system for monitoring economic security using statistical data of certain indicators of socio- economic development, determining their marginal values in order to detect deviations and provide effective respond to their changes in the medium and long term perspective.

Author Biographies

  • Mykhailo Trofimchuk, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities

    PhD (Economics), Associate Professor Department of Management

  • Oleg Koloizd, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities

    postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Trofimchuk, Mykhailo, and Oleg Koloizd. “Indicators of Social and Economic Statistics As мetrics of State Economic Security”. Herald of Economics, no. 3, Nov. 2024, pp. 96-115,

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