Imperative of formation of ecological and educational model of society from the position of sustainable development


  • Olena Garashchuk State Education Quality Service of Ukraine
  • Vira Kutsenko State Institution "Institute of Economics of Nature Management and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"



ecology, ecological safety, sustainable development, strategy, educational sphere.


introduction. A characteristic feature of modernity is the growing socio-economic and environmental problems. The solution of these problems should be carried out within the framework of the concept of sustainable development, which should ensure the development of society not only not upsetting the ecological balance, but also creating conditions for achieving social safety. This is facilitated by the formation of an environmental-educational model of social development, which provides for the priority of environmental education. The programs of socio-cultural development of the individual in the cycle of environmental disciplines should become the direct basis of the ecological-educational model.

purpose of the research is to search for mechanisms to accelerate the formation of an environmental-educational model of social development as an important factor in achieving social security and sustainable development in general.

results. The article discusses the importance of ensuring environmental education, reveals its essence, and also notes that environmental education is a factor in ensuring environmental safety. Along with this, it was noted that, despite the intensive development of a theory devoted to environmental and educational issues, as well as increased attention to the practice of environmental education and upbringing, the state of ecological culture, especially among the younger generation, is alarming. This indicates a low efficiency of the environmental education system as a whole. Accordingly, there is a need to introduce a unified concept into educational practice that defines the socio-economic guidelines of a future specialist and provides for the availability of quality criteria for the environmental training that he receives, which will determine his willingness to successfully solve environmental problems. Today it is important to ensure the need to combine the needs of economic development with the real capabilities of the environmental education system, because the features of the socio-economic and environmental situation are such that the number and intensity of risk factors continue to increase. Under these conditions, Ukraine is taking its first steps into the European environmental educational space, which requires a deeper study of the development path of the environmental education of the partner countries and the problems they encountered in reforming the national environmental education, as well as identifying their own opportunities for successfully resolving emerging needs. In this regard, the tasks facing environmental education are formulated and the relevant characteristics of the environmental-educational model are considered. It is noted that the main tasks of socio-economic development should be to ensure the progressive development of Ukraine, its competitiveness; ensuring human rights and freedoms, further strengthening international positions and ensuring the sustainable development of the country, its environmental safety.

prospects. Environmental education should be focused on ensuring sustainable socio-economic development. An important role is given to higher education, namely,  in the formation of environmental competence, that is, the ability of a specialist to apply environmental knowledge and skills for his successful work. This conditions the vision of further ways of scientific support for the formation of the ecological and educational model of society.



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How to Cite

Garashchuk, Olena, and Vira Kutsenko. “Imperative of Formation of Ecological and Educational Model of Society from the Position of Sustainable Development”. Herald of Economics, no. 3(97), Dec. 2020, pp. 7-19,

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