Ekolohichni ta enerhoefektyvni pidkhody do zabezpechennia innovarsiinoho rozvytku munitsypalnohoi transportnoi lohistyky


  • Grygorii Monastyrskyi Ternopil National Economic University
  • Olena Borysiak Ternopil National Economic University




«smart» city, sustainable development, municipal ecology, ecological types of transport, ecological and energy security, energy service companies.


Introduction. Climate change, limitation of natural energy resources indicate the increasing role of ecological and energy security. The actual issue is the usage of ecological types of transport, improving the municipal transport management system. According to this, the article is devoted to research of innovative directions of development of municipal transport logistics based on sustainable development principles.
Methods. The methodological basis of the research is the general scientific and economic-statistical methods: analysis, synthesis, statistical method – to investigate the international experience of reforming the transport system; inductions and deductions – to determine directions of development of municipal transport logistics of Ukraine; abstract-logical, economic-mathematical programming – to evaluate the conditions of the using ecological and energy efficient approaches to providing innovative development of the transport system in cities.
Results. The article investigates the international experience of reforming the transport system on the basis of municipal ecology and development of «smart» cities. In the context of the using ecological and energy efficient approaches to reforming municipal transport logistics, public transport, the topical issue is the development of algorithms for implementing the Internet of things and artificial intelligence into the transport system. The priority directions of innovative development of municipal transport logistics in Ukraine are the digitization of processes of traffic management, diversification of ecological and energy efficient types of transport, forming partnerships between energy service companies and transport service providers.
The article evaluates the conditions of the using ecological and energy efficient approaches to providing innovative development of the transport system in cities. This process is aimed at optimization of the usage of ecological types of transport, highlighting common priorities of the transport logistics development. The modeling of relationship between the usage of ecological types of transport and the level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere is considered. For the purpose of innovative development of municipal transport logistics on the principles of municipal ecology and energy efficiency, the improvement of bicycle infrastructure in cities, the development of partnerships between energy service companies and public transport service providers are proposed.
Discussion. The prospect of further research is to develop a model for optimizing the management of ecological and energy efficient transport in cities, developing partnerships between energy service companies and public transport service providers.


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How to Cite

Monastyrskyi, Grygorii, and Olena Borysiak. “Ekolohichni Ta Enerhoefektyvni Pidkhody Do Zabezpechennia Innovarsiinoho Rozvytku Munitsypalnohoi Transportnoi Lohistyky”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(94), Feb. 2020, pp. 7-18, https://doi.org/10.35774/visnyk2019.04.007.

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