Green growth in ensuring sustainable development of the economy: European integration vector
green growth, sustainable development, European integration, environmental potential, green economy, green investments, environmental activity, socio- economic developmentAbstract
Introduction. At the current stage of economic development, public awareness of the consequences of growing economic, social, and environmental problems is beginning to form. In the conditions of the war, the aggravation of a number of social problems forces us to focus our attention on the basic principles of life of the population. However, the need to substantiate the concept of further development of the economy, taking into account the need to implement multi-vector development with the provision of economic stability, social well-being and preservation of the natural environment, determines the need for scientific research.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the concept of green growth in the paradigm of sustainable development through its economic, social and environmental components in the context of European integration shifts.
Research methods. The methodological basis of the study is a system-complex approach to the disclosure of the concept of green growth in the paradigm of sustainable development. The work uses the following methods: synthesis, analysis, generalization, comparison, historical and monographic methods.
The results. The peculiarities of the economic, social and ecological components of sustainable development with the activation of European integration processes are determined. The scientific approach to the development of the «green economy» through the implementation of the tasks of «green growth», which is based on the principles and methods of stabilizing socio-economic and ecological development in the conditions of modern threats and challenges, is substantiated. It has been proven that the implementation of the concept of «green growth» forms the prerequisites for sustainable development at the interstate, national, and business levels and is based on: increasing energy efficiency, minimizing energy consumption and emissions of harmful substances into the environment, implementing environmentally friendly production technologies, strengthening ecological infrastructure, and creating new jobs in the «green growth» sector and investing in ecosystem healing.
It was established that implementation of the policy of sustainable development requires the implementation of effective measures of multi-level direction, in the direction of integration of economic, ecological and social components. It was established that the implementation of the policy of sustainable development requires the implementation of effective measures of multi-level direction, in the direction of integration of economic, ecological and social components into the European economic space.
Perspectives. There is a need to conduct further research at the industry and business levels in order to ensure the development of «green growth» models and scenarios.
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