Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of tourist destinations in western Ukrainian border regions


  • Vasyl Brych West Ukrainian National University
  • Olexander Kyfyak Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University



theories, scientific approaches, destinations, elements, principles, region, territory


Introduction. Tourist  activity in the western Ukrainian border regions is organized     in such a way that a tourist destination becomes a key element of the tourism system. However, their small number and some problems with their creation require theoretical and methodological support, which determines the relevance of the scientific article.

Purpose and methods. Definition of basic theories, basic scientific approaches and formation of an ideal image of a tourist destination for the western Ukrainian border regions. The methodological basis of the study are general scientific and theoretical methods:

–  analysis and synthesis - to determine the basic theories and scientific approaches to the formation of tourist destinations;

–  expert assessment – to establish the main components of tourist destinations and determine their types;

–  idealization – to form an ideal image of a tourist destination;

–  induction, deduction – to determine the basic principles of a systematic approach which is based on the consideration of a tourist destination as a whole object.

Results. Based on the analysis of theories of local government, the most important theories are identified and their role in the formation of tourist destinations. In particular, the use of the theory of dualism implies that the formation of tourist destinations must take into account the balance of state and local interests and the inadmissibility of the separation of individual management tasks into local and state. The theory of a free community gives the community the right to independently manage its territory, its resources, determine activities, implement advanced technologies, and so on. No less important for the formation of tourist destinations is the general theory of municipal government or socio-economic theory, which is based not on human rights, but economic necessity and practicality.

The analysis of the territories of western Ukrainian border regions on the provision of tourist resources, the organization of cross-border cooperation, which helped to determine the main scientific approaches to the formation of tourist destinations and establish the main components of a tourist destination, determine its types by scale and radius.

Conclusions. Defining basic theories and scientific approaches to the formation of tourist destinations, creating an ideal image of a tourist destination for the western Ukrainian border regions will contribute to their further successful operation.

Discussion. Prospects for further research include the study of foreign experience, the use of a cluster approach, ranking and sequence of actions in the theoretical and methodological support of the formation of tourist destinations.

Author Biographies

  • Vasyl Brych, West Ukrainian National University

    Ds (Economics), Professor,

    Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies, Professor of the Department of International Tourism and Hotel Business
  • Olexander Kyfyak, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

    PhD (Economic),Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Innovations and Regional Development


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How to Cite

Brych, Vasyl, and Olexander Kyfyak. “Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Formation of Tourist Destinations in Western Ukrainian Border Regions”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(98), Feb. 2021, pp. 114-26,

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