Approaches to evaluation of efficiency of energy saving innovative projects in territorial development


  • Petro Mykytiuk West Ukranian National University
  • Roman Shapovalov West Ukranian National University



innovation activity, investment activity, innovation project, efficiency evaluation, energy saving innovations, development of territories.


Introduction. Large cities are increasingly attracting the attention of investors. It is there that the main projects are being mastered, which are partly financed from the state budget, it is there that retail is actively developing and branches of Ukrainian and transnational companies are being opened. In addition, as a rule, these cities have a master plan that creates broad prospects for the competent and organic development of territories.

The purpose of the study is to deepen the methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of energy-saving innovative projects in building development.

Research methods. The article used general scientific and specific research methods, in particular: analysis and synthesis – to improve the interpretation of the concept of “innovative activity of the enterprise”; system approach – to clarify the economic meaning of the concepts of “management of innovative activities of the enterprise”, “efficiency of innovative activities of the enterprise”; graphic – for visual representation of statistical material and illustration of theoretical and practical provisions; expert assessment – to determine the effectiveness of innovative activities of the enterprise.

Results. The study proves that evaluating the effectiveness of energy-saving innovative projects in building development contributes to integrated development and housing in Ukraine, improving the comfort of urban residents, building development using innovative solutions that are effective and beneficial to both public and private investment construction organizations; the project implementation period and investment costs and risks are determined, which often require diversification of project financing sources; the interdependent indicators of building - density and superficiality influencing characteristics of energy consumption are offered; proved that the building area, combining many residential, public buildings and infrastructure, forms essentially an ecological living environment for a large number of citizens, in connection with which environmental factors should be paid special attention when planning the building.

Discussion. Prospects for further research include the study of foreign experience in ensuring standards for energy consumption, ecology, provision of socio-cultural facilities and providing comfortable living for future residents in the complex of development and development of methods for evaluating energy-saving innovations in building areas taking into account economic, energy and environmental factors.

Author Biographies

  • Petro Mykytiuk, West Ukranian National University

    Ds (Economics), Professor, Professor of the Department of Management,

    Public Administration and Personnel
  • Roman Shapovalov, West Ukranian National University
    Applicant of the Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel


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How to Cite

Mykytiuk, Petro, and Roman Shapovalov. “Approaches to Evaluation of Efficiency of Energy Saving Innovative Projects in Territorial Development”. Herald of Economics, no. 2, Aug. 2021, pp. 90-102,

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