Institutional aspects for accelerating Ukraine’s energy services market


  • Mykhailo Fedirko
  • Petro Mykytiuk



energy efficiency, energy safety, energy services market, institutional provision, institutional modernization.


The article considers the necessity of accelerating Ukraine’s energy services market as a measure for improving energy efficiency of the national economy and energy safety as well as enhancing energy efficiency of housing and communal services.

The essence of energy efficiency as an integral indicator of sustainable development of the national economy is revealed. It is justified that the introduction of market relations in the sector of providing energy services will be possible only if there is a proper institutional framework. It is proved that in theoretical and methodological terms, building an institutional framework and, consequently, establishing an institutional environment for accelerating the energy services market should be carried out in accordance with the theory of institutional provision of a balanced growth of the national economy.The main components of institutional provision for accelerating the energy services market are defined and characterized: institutional architectonics, institutional matrix and institutional dynamics.

The paper substantiates that in the light of Ukraine’s accession to the Energy Community, a multilevel system for managing energy efficiency and energy security has been elaborated, including a supranational institutional level that requires a clear legal tool for the co-ordination of national and supranational interests in energy efficiency and energy security. The essence and tools of the interaction of the supranational and national levels of institutional provision of the energy services market are outlined.

Author Biographies

  • Mykhailo Fedirko
    Ternopil National Economic University
  • Petro Mykytiuk
    Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Fedirko, Mykhailo, and Petro Mykytiuk. “Institutional Aspects for Accelerating Ukraine’s Energy Services Market”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(86), July 2019, pp. 18-30,

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