Improvement of Innovative Projects Management and Revival of Innovation Activities of Ukrainian Enterp


  • Olha Sobko West Ukrainian National University
  • Ihor Krysovatyy West Ukrainian National University



project management, innovation, innovation project, intellectual added value, intelligence intensity, intellectual potential, competitiveness of the enterprise, knowledge intensity, innovation project management.


Introduction. The wider application of the benefits of project management in the organization of innovation is seen as an effective tool for revitalizing the innovation activities of modern enterprises. Innovative project is a modern form of organization of innovation processes, which allows to generate intellectual added value to increase innovation and competitiveness of enterprises. The expediency of improving the management of innovative projects on the basis of increasing their intelligence to increase the innovation and competitiveness of enterprises is substantiated.

Purpose is to substantiate the directions of improving the management of innovative projects to revive the innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises.

Methods. In the process of research a set of general scientific and special methods was used. In particular, historical and logical methods were to study theoretical foundations of project management approaches in the organization of innovation; analysis and synthesis - to compare the main approaches to the interpretation of concepts and methods of calculating the rate of intelligence of an innovative project; correlation-regression analysis - to build predictive models of changes in innovation activity of industrial enterprises and sales of innovative products; graphic method - for visual presentation of the results of analytical research; abstract-logical - for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions.

Results. Research proves that innovative projects are a modern form of organizing innovative activities in the context of increasing crisis, rapid digitalization and globalization of economic processes, which can provide a constant increase in innovation and competitiveness of enterprises. The implementation of an innovative model of doing business requires the search for progressive ways to improve the management of innovative projects of enterprises. The concept of “management of innovative projects as an impact on groups of people in order to organize and coordinate their activities aimed at strengthening the intellectual capacity of the project, which provides intellectual added value, increasing innovation and competitiveness of the enterprise” has been clarified. The forecast models of changes of innovatively-active industrial enterprises of Ukraine and dynamics of realization of innovative production of the enterprises for an estimation of efficiency of the organization of innovative activity at micro level are constructed. The necessity of reviving the processes of development and implementation of innovative projects as an important factor in increasing the innovative activity of enterprises is proved. The factors that have a negative impact on the interest of enterprises in the implementation of innovative projects, which exacerbates the decline in innovation activity in the Ukrainian business sector, have been systematized. The directions for improvement of innovative projects management aimed at strengthening the intellectual capacity of the project, generating intellectual added value, which allows to intellectualize production and commercial processes, revive innovation activity and increase the innovation of the enterprise are substantiated.

Discussion. Transformation of economic systems, increasing the number and scale of today’s challenges will require further strengthening of enterprise innovation, due to the need to form competitive advantages, increase the environmental and social component of business as a result of innovative projects. The expediency of project management development in the organization of innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises is actualized. The directions for improvement of innovative projects management in order to increase their intellectual and science-intensiveness for the decision of problems of revival of innovative activity of the enterprises are substantiated.

Author Biographies

  • Olha Sobko, West Ukrainian National University

    Ds (Economics), Assistant Professor,

    Head of Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade
  • Ihor Krysovatyy, West Ukrainian National University
    PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade


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How to Cite

Sobko, Olha, and Ihor Krysovatyy. “Improvement of Innovative Projects Management and Revival of Innovation Activities of Ukrainian Enterp”. Herald of Economics, no. 3, Nov. 2021, pp. 84–97,

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