Management of a portfolio of innovation and investment projects in housing construction


  • Yuliia Mykytiuk



project portfolio management, management of innovation and investment projects, construction products, housing construction, creation of an information management system.


The study identifies the priority areas for implementing innovation and investment projects aimed at increasing management of a portfolio of such projects. The author describes a methodical approach for determining a functional structure of the portfolio management system of innovation and investment projects, which integrates various elements of the management system both horizontally and vertically. It is proved that introducing the portfolio management system makes it possible: to describe the strategy of an enterprise by determining the importance of goals and criteria for their achievement; to develop a portfolio of projects taking into account their strategic importance and cost effectiveness; to model a portfolio of projects taking into consideration the changing factors (for example, budgetary and resource constraints); to pay attention to the interconnections of the projects while creating a portfolio; to ensure effective management and monitoring of a portfolio   of projects that illustrate the processes and provide necessary and sufficient information for decision-making; to improve the efficiency of decision-making and responsibility of major participants of investment processes. The author has developed a mechanism for creating the information management system for managing a portfolio of projects, including a set of normative documents as well as necessary funds and methods for management of innovation projects, which ensure the effective implementation of various projects of enterprises.

Author Biography

  • Yuliia Mykytiuk
    Ternopil National Economic University Ternopil National Economic UniversityUniversityПереклади слова або виразу "university"ІменникЧастотауніверситетuniversity, varsity, college, campusПрикметникуніверситетськийuniversity, academic, academical, collegiate"university" – визначенняІменник1an educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of students in many branches of advanced learning, conferring degrees in various faculties, and often embodying colleges and similar institutions.Oxford UniversityСиноніми:college school academy institute polytechnic alma mater graduate school"university" – синонімиІменникcollege school academy institute polytechnic alma mater graduate school 


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How to Cite

Mykytiuk, Yuliia. “Management of a Portfolio of Innovation and Investment Projects in Housing Construction”. Herald of Economics, no. 1(91), Jan. 2019, pp. 151-9,

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