Methodical principles of analysis of the concept of “organizational and economic mechanism of public-private partnership”


  • Angela Kuznyetsova University of Banking
  • Vladislav Maslov University of Banking



public-private partnership, organizational mechanism of public-private partnership, partnership project.


Introduction. In recent years in Ukraine, the task of ensuring multi-faceted cooperation between the state and private business has been relevant. The formation of effective principles of realization of public-private partnership determines the need for a detailed study of the essence, characteristics and principles of its organizational and economic mechanism.

Goal. The purpose of the article is to reflect and analyze the methodological principles of determining the essence and bases of formation of the organizational and economic mechanism of public-private partnership.

Methods. In order to achieve the defined goal, a complex of general scientific methods applied: theoretical generalization - to determine the methodological principles and essence of the organizational and economic mechanism of public-private partnership, a method of scientific abstraction - in the distinguishing components and results of the organizational and efficient mechanism of cooperation between the state and business, abstract-logical Theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions.

Results. During the analysis of the methodological principles of the concept of «organizational and economic mechanism of public-private partnership», the basis of research of the methodology of development of a system of public-private partnerships is determined on the basis of the concept of the organizational and economic mechanism for implementing public-private partnership. The tasks and processes that are most accurate characterize the components of organizational and economic mechanisms and include the formation of corporate strategy, dividend policy, management of management, improvement of the payment system, participation in the Board of Directors, hostile acceptance, receipt of powers of power and bankruptcy. The main tasks of the economic mechanism of which include: ensuring the profitability of the system of establishing a mutually beneficial cooperation of the system elements, which resulted in a single center to provide a balance of horizontal integration and vertical management purposes, as well as optimize internal- system transaction and organizational costs and mutually beneficial cooperation of the elements of the system, which involves the integration of their activities, which increases their potential separately and the system as a whole. It is noted that the result of the functioning of the economic mechanism is to create conditions for highly efficient activity due to effective resource management and achieve the effect of synergy from optimal use both in individual elements and in the scope of the entire system.


Discussion. A promising direction of the study arises the need to improve methodological approaches to the definition of the essence and meaningful characteristics of public-private partnership as a new form of intensification of business development in Ukraine.

Author Biographies

  • Angela Kuznyetsova, University of Banking
    Ds (Economics), Professor, Rector
  • Vladislav Maslov, University of Banking


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How to Cite

Kuznyetsova, Angela, and Vladislav Maslov. “Methodical Principles of Analysis of the Concept of ‘organizational and Economic Mechanism of Public-Private partnership’”. Herald of Economics, no. 3, Nov. 2021, pp. 137–146,

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