The evolution and essence of foreign economic activity as a base of socio-economic development of the Power


  • Oksana Lyuba West Ukrainian National University



foreign economic activity, trade relations, legislative framework, integration.


Introduction. The article is devoted to foreign economic activity research, namely: the definition and interpretation of the concept of «foreign economic activity» and a study of historical aspects of its development. The importance of the study is enhanced by the emergence of discussions about the definition of this concept.

The aim. The purpose of the article is to explore the concept of «foreign economic activity» the study and improvement of the main historical stages of its development.

Methods of the research. The following research methods are used in the article. General scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, systematic analysis that provide an opportunity for improvement and clarifying the content of the foreign economic activity. The historical method provides an opportunity to study the main stages of occurrence of foreign economic activity in chronological order.

Results. The level of development of any power in the modern world directly depends on its foreign economic activity. It is shown that for the entire period of formation of the Ukrainian state (from the times of Kievan Rus to the present), the foreign economic activity has passed a difficult way of development. The evolution from the trade relations form to international activity took place during this way with the distinct list of object and business entities. It is improved and supplemented the historical stages of the emergence of foreign economic activity in Ukraine. The concept of «foreign economic activity» is described and justified.

Prospects. The study results made it possible to gradually reproduce the development of foreign economic activity in a historical sequence. However, the concept of «foreign economic activity» needs further research and clarification, as there are significant differences in its definition by the scientific community and existing Ukrainian legislation.

Author Biography

  • Oksana Lyuba, West Ukrainian National University
    Postgraduate student at the Department of Accounting and Taxation


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How to Cite

Lyuba, Oksana. “The Evolution and Essence of Foreign Economic Activity As a Base of Socio-Economic Development of the Power”. Herald of Economics, no. 4, Mar. 2022, pp. 87-101,

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