Comprehensive analysis of import activities of chemical industry enterprises


  • Oksana Lyuba West Ukrainian National University



analysis, accounting, linear modeling, import activity, enterprises of the chemical industry


Introduction. The manifestation of pandemic and military threats led to the complication of the economic activity of chemical enterprises, which increases the requirements for the management system. An important component of optimizing the management of chemical enterprises, in which the raw material base is usually of imported origin, is the analysis of import activity. The analysis of import operations involves the implementation of a complex of analytical studies and forecasting of the future functioning of chemical industry enterprises in dynamic economic conditions, which determines the relevance of the article.

The purpose of the article is to improve the methodology of analysis of import operations with the aim of identifying analytical trends in the import activity of chemical enterprises and planning their long-term functioning.

Methods. Carrying out scientific research to realize its goal involves the use of a systematic methodical approach in combination with innovative, functional methods and methodical tools of generalization, bibliographic and comparative the analysis. Forecasting of the import activity of chemical industry enterprises was carried out using a linear regression model and determination of correlation and determination coefficients. The simulation results are confirmed by trending indicators of the activity of chemical enterprises in the MS Excel spreadsheet.

Results. The method of analysis of import operations has been improved, which includes conducting a complex of analytical works: structural and dynamic analysis of imports, taking into account pandemic and military threats; analysis of import efficiency - calculation of indicators (general import efficiency, economic efficiency of import, economic effect of import, profitability of import); economic and mathematical modeling – formation of models (linear and non-linear) with determination of correlation and determination coefficients; analysis of alternatives – an analytical study of import proposals (supply countries, potential suppliers, business environment of exporting countries, logistics routes, total cost of owning raw materials, etc.), the implementation of which for the studied chemical enterprises proved a decrease in their import activity with the beginning of hostilities, but gave the opportunity to form the strategy of optimizing functioning for the near future.

Prospects for further research consist in the need for informational synchronization of analytical studies of import activity and analysis of logistics and export processes for comprehensive optimization of the activities of chemical industry enterprises.


Author Biography

  • Oksana Lyuba, West Ukrainian National University

    Postgraduate student at the Department of Accounting and Taxation


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How to Cite

Lyuba, Oksana. “Comprehensive Analysis of Import Activities of Chemical Industry Enterprises”. Herald of Economics, no. 4, Dec. 2023, pp. 216-31,

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