Theoretical basis of financial stability of universities


  • Liudmyla Yurchyshena Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University



stability, resilience, signs of stability, types of stability, financial stability, university, HEIs


Introduction. Changing the paradigm of HEIs, approaches to funding, increasing the financial autonomy of universities, the competitive environment, the formation of strategic directions of development raise the issue of ensuring the sustainability of universities. In the context of reducing budget funding, reducing the number of students there is a problem of sustainable development of HEIs, which requires clarification of the concept of «stability» and «financial stability of university».

Purpose is to stability theoretical approaches and to form a holistic system of theoretical provisions for the concepts of «stability», «financial stability of university», definition of criteria and types of financial stability.

Methodology. The dialectical method of cognition of discussion approaches of the concept «stability», «financial stability», the analytical method for revealing signs of stability is applied; synthesis method for substantiating the integrity of the studied concepts; system method for systematization of approaches to concepts, definition of classification features.

The main results of the study. Approaches to the concept of «stability» are systematized, the concept of «stability of HEIs» is proposed considering two levels - general and individual, the main features of the stability of free economic zones are identified, the relationship. Theoretical approaches to the concept of «financial stability of university» are studied, the authors approach to this concept is offered, the classification features and types of financial stability of the university are generalized.

Conclusions and prospects for further exploration. The result of scientific research is the formation of a holistic view of the categorical apparatus «stability», «financial stability of university», determining the relationship of these concepts, criteria and classification criteria for the division into species. Further research should focus on the development and systematization of methodological tools for assessing the financial stability of universities and the determinants of their measurement.

Author Biography

  • Liudmyla Yurchyshena, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
    PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Finance and Banking


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How to Cite

Yurchyshena, Liudmyla. “Theoretical Basis of Financial Stability of Universities”. Herald of Economics, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 22-37,

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