Analysis of the financial condition as the dominant indicator of the financial security of enterprises


  • Nataliia Zhuk West Ukrainian National University



financial security, financial analysis, financial position, analysis, rating, express analysis, in-depth financial analysis


Introduction. Today’s conditions once again prove that the activities of enterprises are influenced not only by economic factors, but also by political, social, demographic, medical, and informational factors. The full-scale invasion and war of Ukraine with Russia, the coronavirus pandemic, a change in the industrial paradigm, a new model of world perception caused a significant impact on the world economy and, especially, on the Ukrainian economy, as did the deepening globalization processes and crises. The above is both a source of financial threats and risks, and factors affecting the financial security of the country in general and economic entities in particular. Above all, the financial system is being activated, which is an independent segment of the economy and has significant potential, which determines its priority in the economic system. That is why financial security is now an important component of the management activity of the enterprise, the provision of which is given special attention and requires a systematic approach in the application of scientific theories with use in practical activities.

Therefore, a comprehensive scientific study of the financial security management system in the context of its analytical substantiation using modern methods and models and the generalization of indicators for the determination and forecasting of prospective activities is important.

Purpose. Сonsists in the study of the main approaches to the financial security of enterprises, the determination of the role of analysis as a functional component in the management of financial security and the components of the methodology of financial state analysis as a dominant indicator of financial security in the new paradigm of the management system.

Methods. The research uses general scientific and empirical techniques and tools of economic science, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison, summary and grouping, structural-logical and tabular methods. The monographic method is applied - in order to study literary sources on financial security management and analysis of the financial state of enterprises; regulatory and legal support - for the purpose of characterizing the financial condition of enterprises.

Results. The analysis of the main approaches of scientists to the definition and understanding of the financial security of enterprises was carried out and the opinion was supported that financial security is a system of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the financial state of the enterprise, which comprehensively reflect the level of its financial security. It was determined that the common definition and the main dominant indicator of the financial security of the enterprise is the indicator of the financial condition, which characterizes the level of its security at a certain point in time and is reflected by a certain set of parameters that require clear quantitative and qualitative formalization. The functional component of management is the analysis of the financial security of the enterprise. It is substantiated that the dominant indicator of the financial security of the enterprise is the indicator of the level of its financial condition, the analysis of which is an important element of the mechanism of ensuring the financial security of the enterprise.

The analysis of the financial condition, as a component of the analysis of the financial security of the enterprise, should be carried out using indicators, methods, tools developed by specialists in financial analysis. The use of such methods as vertical, horizontal, coefficient, comparative and integral research methods in the analysis is determined. The assessment of the financial state, as an indicator of the financial security of the enterprise, is carried out with the help of a complex system of indicators, which characterize the financial and economic state of the enterprise in detail and comprehensively and are calculated systematically and dynamically. The optimal number of indicators and areas of analysis of the company’s financial condition have been determined. In addition, the efficiency and speed of response to the level of financial security of the enterprise in order to make management decisions and measures to maintain or increase it will provide a method of express analysis of the financial state of the enterprise using a limited number of indicators.

Discussion. Currently, the issue of analytical support for financial security management plays a leading role in the information base and remains a weak link in management that requires strengthening and improvement. The formation of the financial and economic security of the enterprise is affected by changes that occur both in the external and internal environment of its functioning. These changes are characterized by instability and require rapid adaptation of enterprises to modern economic conditions, taking into account the factors of uncertainty and instability of the economic environment. A more detailed study of factors influencing the level of financial security of enterprises will be the subject of our further research.

Author Biography

  • Nataliia Zhuk, West Ukrainian National University
    graduate student of the Department of Accounting and Taxation


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How to Cite

Zhuk, Nataliia. “Analysis of the Financial Condition As the Dominant Indicator of the Financial Security of Enterprises”. Herald of Economics, no. 4, Jan. 2023, pp. 97–112,

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