Accounting paradigm in application conditions of electronic information technologies


  • Iryna Nazarova



accounting, information requests, reporting, theory, methodology, scientific paradigm, information technology, accounting automation


Introduction. The widespread introduction of modern electronic information and communication technologies into the economy requires a rethinking of the theoretical foundations of accounting. The current accounting methodology, based on the documentation of economic transactions, their reflection on accounts by double entry, balance sheet summarization, was initiated several centuries ago. With the development of automated systems, the latest information technologies for the formation, processing and transmission of information, there is a need of developing of a new accounting paradigm that would reflect not only the new information requests of a wide range of information consumers, but also take into account radical changes in accounting techniques.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to generalize the existing developments regarding the paradigmatic development of accounting science and to provide proposals for the development of a new accounting paradigm, based on modern information and communication technologies, the new role of accounting as an important economic institution.

Methods. General scientific and empirical methods of knowledge and generalization of past and present processes and phenomena are used to reveal the purpose of the article.\

Results. The existing developments regarding the paradigmatic development of accounting science are summarized. The main features and criteria of each stage of accounting development are defined. The need for the formation of a new accounting paradigm based on the current circumstances in the world economy and society is substantiated. The main criteria that characterize the modern accounting paradigm and distinguish it from the previous ones are the new purpose and tasks of accounting, the introduction of intellectual resources into the accounting system, new approaches to resource assessment. However, the development and introduction of electronic accounting and information systems, which have a significant impact on the methodological and organizational foundations of accounting, collection, registration, processing, storage and transmission of accounting and reporting information, can be considered the main factor in the change of the accounting paradigm.

Perspectives. Further research can be aimed at improving methodological, organizational and technical tools for the practical implementation of a new accounting paradigm based on modern electronic accounting and information systems.

Author Biography

  • Iryna Nazarova,
    PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Doctoral Student Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation


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How to Cite

Nazarova, Iryna. “Accounting Paradigm in Application Conditions of Electronic Information Technologies”. Herald of Economics, no. 2, July 2023, pp. 103-18,

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