A conceptual model of the subject area of alter-globalization
alter-global imperatives, diffusion of influence, economic crisis, crisis back- ground, tectonic shift, technology collapse, “black swans”.Abstract
The article highlights certain aspects of a conceptual model of the subject area of alterglobalization and estimates the implementation of an alternative global transformation pro gram. The research paper also evidences the relevance of an alter-global development model, which enables the fulfilment of new principles for the functioning of the world system and is based on social partnership, social protection and diversification.
Prerequisites and consequences of the alternative global movement are identified and critical imperatives for the development of globalization are outlined. A number of imperatives for structural shifts which determine an alter-global model of the world economy development are indicated. The impact of these imperatives will strengthen over time, namely: global expansion of rights and freedoms, diffusion of global influence, demographic changes and lack of food and resources.
The etymology of tectonic shifts in the development of the world economy is analyzed and its bifurcation points which require a transformation from a global model of development to alter-global are identified. Today, the major shifts are as follows: accessibility of technologies, aging of the population, urbanization, global growth of the middle class and shift of economic power to the east. The “black swan” theory is considered and factors that cause “black swans” events to occur are explored.
The “black swan” theory is extrapolated and a number of potential unexpected events are described. These events could significantly threaten the current global economic order and can be prevented or resolved through the implementation of the alternative global concept of world development.
It is found that pandemics, climate changes, economic collapse, wars and geopolitical changes are potential “black swans” of the current global economic order. The crisis background of the global economy is considered and it is shown that the threat of global instability and contradictions in economic interests can result in the collapse of the current economic order. Finally, the conclusions are made and prospects for further research on the subject area of alter-globalization are highlighted.
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